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Mixmaster Question

Started by kali291, Dec 05, 2021, 02:57 PM

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I know very little about midi. I have recorded chord looper files on my SX900, following the manual exactly. Out of curiosity, I loaded a few into Mixmaster. From what I can gather, the MBT value gives you the measure number and the beat number that the chord changes on. None of my files tie up with the way it plays on my SX900 measuring the measures/beats with the metronome. Also, none of the files imported either a time signature or the tempo. What am I doing wrong, and is editing the cld files just a matter of changing the MTB and/or the chord name?  Any advice much appreciated. Thanks   Ron
was PRS-E453
then PRS SX700
now PRS SX900

Fred Smith

Quote from: kali291 on Dec 05, 2021, 02:57 PM
I know very little about midi. I have recorded chord looper files on my SX900, following the manual exactly. Out of curiosity, I loaded a few into Mixmaster. From what I can gather, the MBT value gives you the measure number and the beat number that the chord changes on. None of my files tie up with the way it plays on my SX900 measuring the measures/beats with the metronome. Also, none of the files imported either a time signature or the tempo. What am I doing wrong, and is editing the cld files just a matter of changing the MTB and/or the chord name?  Any advice much appreciated. Thanks   Ron

The answer to your last question is yes. I regularly take a chord looper file to Mixmaster and change the chord or timing.

For your first question, the MBT should show the proper timing. Not having a time sig or tempo is normal, as the looper will follow the style. Did you have any timing running (eg, metronome) when you recoded the file?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Yes Fred. The metronome was running when I recorded the sequence When I played it back it followed the metronome until the end and then gave me an extra measure before repeating the sequence That's the main reason I put it into Mixmaster -  to delete that extra measure
How important is the T bit of MBT ?  I'd be inclined to edit all the measure and beat numbers and play it back on the keyboard. I'm not sure I'm using the looper correctly or even if it matters. I recorded the sequence for a hymn that had a chord change on almost each beat, but I recorded the whole hymn all in one file, expecting the file to keep running through each verse. Hence the need to delete that extra measure. Would it be more advisable to break the file into 4 measures at a time and use registrations? Any advice really appreciated.  Ron
was PRS-E453
then PRS SX700
now PRS SX900


Read following topic's about chordlooper and MixMaster

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Thank you so much. I never thought to look in the Genos section. That will teach me to use the search! Thanks again   Ron
was PRS-E453
then PRS SX700
now PRS SX900