Active speakers to sx 900

Started by inkisiivi, Nov 29, 2021, 06:10 AM

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Have you activespeakers in your keyboards,, i  like to by those, can you help me? God sound, and so on?

I have subwoofer Yamaha.


Hi inki.

It seems you have been forgoten! Don't worry for I have a great suggestion for you. It has been used by many artists, includind Infected Mushroom, and seem to have great sound: bass, medium and treble. But above all they only cost 299€ for the pair which is less than other monitor speakers you may find on the market.

Here it is: iLoud from IK Multimedia.

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First, since you don't say whether your sub is a powered monitor or a loudspeaker I will assume that it is a powered monitor. As a match to this type of sub you cannot go wrong with any of the HS series monitors from Yamaha. If you are looking for something a bit more economical I have also used the KRK Rokit8's ad the Presonus E8's and found both of these to be of excellent sound quality for the PSR keyboards. Of the three, I have found the Yamaha's to be the most accurate to the instruments intended sound, while the KRK's and the E8's lean more toward embellishing the lower frequency's. While you are shopping for monitors always keep in mind that these are defined as "nearfield monitors". If you are looking to play in larger rooms, venues etc, you may want to consider moving up to powered loudspeakers. 