Pink Floyd

Started by Michellex, Nov 17, 2021, 04:47 PM

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Hello everyone I hope your all well, i have been watching some wonderful videos on youtube where people are playing "another brick in the wall" style, I have searched and searched online to see if anyone has shared this (and other) Pink Floyd styles but i cannot find any, do any of you on the forum have this style in their collectio they could share with me for my SX700 please? or a link where I can download it? I am still learning how to play so I would truly appreciate any help
Thank you so much
Chell x

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 6 styles for you to try, Chell.  :)

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"Music Is My Life"
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Thank you Roger, I'll give these a try :)


Quote from: Roger Brenizer on Nov 17, 2021, 06:06 PM
I've attached 6 styles for you to try, Chell.  :)

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Fantastic, thank you so much @roger :)