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Freeze the split point

Started by bassgolf, Nov 16, 2021, 08:48 PM

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Is there a way to freeze the split point? I have tried creating a split point via the Utility page but when I turn off the Tyros 5 and turn it back on it reverts to the default split point (F#).


Sibelius 6
Mac Os

Fred Smith

Quote from: bassgolf on Nov 16, 2021, 08:48 PM
Is there a way to freeze the split point? I have tried creating a split point via the Utility page but when I turn off the Tyros 5 and turn it back on it reverts to the default split point (F#).

Use parameter lock. It will be remembered through a power off/on.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Bassgolf,

Here are some supplementary information:

Setting the split points is not in the "Utility" display, but in "[Function] > Style Setting/Split Point/Chord Fingering > Tab > Split Point". (See page 62 in the Tyros5 Owner's Manual.)

You can call up the Split Point display very quickly by pressing "Direct Access" and then "Sync Start" (in Style Control section). In order for the set/changed split points to be saved in the so-called "System Setup", it is important to close the split point display by pressing the "EXIT" button. (So ​​do not leave this display open in the background!) Then the setting should be available again after a restart.

But note: When saving Registrations, automatically also the split points are saved (STYLE and LEFT split points with the "STYLE" tick, the Right3 split point with the "Voice" tick). By calling up a Registration that contains different split points, so your preferred split point settings would be changed again.

The only way to protect the split point settings permanently from unwanted changes is to use the "Parameters Lock" function:

- Go to the page "[FUNCTION] > Utility > Config1 > 3 Parameter Lock".

- Tick "Split Point". If you also want to lock the currently set Chord Fingering, you also tick "Fingering".

- In addition, "Master EQ" should always be ticked.

- Press the "EXIT" button to close the Lock Display parameter. The changes are automatically stored in the "System Setup".

- Note: Manually you can change the split points (or fingering) of course at any time, the checkmarks in the Parameter Lock can always remain set!

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

I just tried you solution to the split point freeze but it didn't work! When I turned off the Tyros 5 it reverted to F# again. Very frustrating indeed. The chord fingering also reverted to A1.



Sibelius 6
Mac Os


You need to save these settings to a registration button. Then on switch on press and your settings will be loaded.


Quote from: bassgolf on Dec 19, 2021, 07:03 PM
Hi Chris,

I just tried you solution to the split point freeze but it didn't work! When I turned off the Tyros 5 it reverted to F# again. Very frustrating indeed. The chord fingering also reverted to A1.



Hi bassgolf,

Please follow my instructions exactly again. It definitely works the way described. It is important that you CLOSE each setting display (in this case "Parameter Lock" and "Split Point") by pressing the "Exit" button so that the settings are saved.

If the boxes "Split Point" and "Fingering" are ticked in the "Parameter Lock", these settings can no longer be changed by registrations or MIDI files. (Of course, you can still change the split point and/or fingering settings in the respective settings display, if necessary.)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Fred Smith

Quote from: bassgolf on Dec 19, 2021, 07:03 PM
I just tried you solution to the split point freeze but it didn't work! When I turned off the Tyros 5 it reverted to F# again. Very frustrating indeed. The chord fingering also reverted to A1.

You need to follow Chris's instructions properly. When you set Parameter Lock properly, the keyboard will not forget it.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Chris, (and Fred)

I appreciate both of your help and comments but it is still not working for me. I have tried it a number of times. I wonder if somehow the settings(split point and fingering) are being saved(without my knowledge) in either the Registrations, Style, or Song settings that come up when the Tyros is turned on? I have also fooled around with the "Parameter Lock" and that has not worked either.

Not sure how to proceed?

All the best,

Quote from: overover on Dec 19, 2021, 07:25 PM
Hi bassgolf,

Please follow my instructions exactly again. It definitely works the way described. It is important that you CLOSE each setting display (in this case "Parameter Lock" and "Split Point") by pressing the "Exit" button so that the settings are saved.

If the boxes "Split Point" and "Fingering" are ticked in the "Parameter Lock", these settings can no longer be changed by registrations or MIDI files. (Of course, you can still change the split point and/or fingering settings in the respective settings display, if necessary.)

Best regards,

Sibelius 6
Mac Os


Hello all,

After many attempts and much frustration I have concluded that one cannot actually freeze either the split point or fingering so that when the Tyros 5 is turned off those settings are frozen when one turns the T5 on again.

I believe EileenL(see earlier post) was correct. One has to save those settings with a Registration.

It seems that upon startup the T5 loads the first Song file it finds in the "User" drive and then loads that Song and the settings that go with that song (including registration). If you have a USB device in the slot it will load the first Song in the USB instead(along with those settings).

Not sure why the T5 does that. It would be better if no Song was loaded in my opinion. One of many architecture problems with the T5.

One further thought is that maybe there is an update for the T5 that I don't know about that fixes this problem?

Happy Holidays!


Sibelius 6
Mac Os

Fred Smith

Quote from: bassgolf on Dec 22, 2021, 06:48 PM
Hello all,

After many attempts and much frustration I have concluded that one cannot actually freeze either the split point or fingering so that when the Tyros 5 is turned off those settings are frozen when one turns the T5 on again.

I believe EileenL(see earlier post) was correct. One has to save those settings with a Registration.

It seems that upon startup the T5 loads the first Song file it finds in the "User" drive and then loads that Song and the settings that go with that song (including registration). If you have a USB device in the slot it will load the first Song in the USB instead(along with those settings).

Not sure why the T5 does that. It would be better if no Song was loaded in my opinion. One of many architecture problems with the T5.

One further thought is that maybe there is an update for the T5 that I don't know about that fixes this problem?

None of what you say is true. You need to get on a video call with someone who knows what they are doing, so they can show you what you are doing wrong.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Fred Smith on Dec 22, 2021, 07:30 PM
None of what you say is true. You need to get on a video call with someone who knows what they are doing, so they can show you what you are doing wrong.


You are correct Fred. I was wrong. It seems that the problem was that I had old Firmware(ver 1.02). I updated the Firmware to (1.13) and now it works like a charm. Thanks to you and Chris for helping me out.

If anyone needs the link to update the T5 firmware it is below.

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Happy Holidays All!!


Sibelius 6
Mac Os

Fred Smith

Quote from: bassgolf on Dec 24, 2021, 05:58 PM
You are correct Fred. I was wrong. It seems that the problem was that I had old Firmware(ver 1.02). I updated the Firmware to (1.13) and now it works like a charm. Thanks to you and Chris for helping me out.

If anyone needs the link to update the T5 firmware it is below.

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bassgolf and I spent about an hour on Facetime tracking down this problem. A lot of it was the normal communication issues, but actually being able to solve the problem, and get the new firmware loaded was good to achieve.

The lesson for me was to ask if they are on the most current version of the OS before delving into any problem.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons