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My new Bose...

Started by travlin-easy, Oct 13, 2021, 12:04 PM

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My Latest Bose acquisition. Everyone knows I am a big Bose fan, and have never been disappointed with any of their wonderful products. This morning, UPS arrived at the door with my package from Bose - a pair or Bose hearing aids. Yep, over the years I have slowly but surely lost much of my hearing.

The US Navy played a major role in my hearing loss as I was a first loader on a 3-inch 55mm antiaircraft gun, which meant that I slammed shells into a revolving hopper at the rate of one a second, standing back to back with another guy doing the same job, positioned directly between the gun's breeches. The noise was defining and we lost our hearing for about two days after the firing exercise was over. Back then, 1957, we didn't have hearing protection other than a couple cotton balls stuffed in our ears. We didn't have ear plugs and could not use them even if we did, because the concussion from the blast could have embedded them deeper into our ear canal and cause severe damage. After about two or three days, our hearing returned but after four years of this, there was a constant ringing, tinnitus that never went away.

This morning, I placed those hearing aids in my ears, followed the instructions on the Bose AP in my smart phone, and WOW! I just listened to my Russian friend perform a song, and the clarity was absolutely awesome, the sound quality was beyond belief and I can now hear sounds that I have not heard in decades. WOW! I have had a few hearing aids in the past, but none compares to the Bose hearing aids. And, the price is relatively low in comparison to other hearing aids out there, just $849.95 for both ears. My last hearing aid purchase from a different manufacturer was $2,000 for one ear.

Thank you Bose for once again providing a fantastic product in the wonderful world of sound.

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...


Thanks Gary
If I will ever need hearing aids I will get the Bose based on your review  ;)

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Rick D.

Hi Gary,

Glad they worked out for you.

Thank you for your service my friend!

Rick D.


First off, I too want to thank you for your service to your Country, and for your service to this forum.  So glad Bose came through again for you.

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Gary,  Glad to hear the Bose work so well for you!  I'm in line sooner than later for a pair of hearing aids I looked at the Bose but in my case I want rechargeable aids and I also need them to stream phone conversations and music via the units.  I was disappointed that Bose did not offer either of those options despite the fact they are getting great reviews. 


Quote from: stephenm52 on Oct 19, 2021, 11:34 AM
Gary,  Glad to hear the Bose work so well for you!  I'm in line sooner than later for a pair of hearing aids I looked at the Bose but in my case I want rechargeable aids and I also need them to stream phone conversations and music via the units.  I was disappointed that Bose did not offer either of those options despite the fact they are getting great reviews.
Stephen, I don't know where you live.
I'm in the U.K.
I use National Health Service hearing aids (they are the best available).

I have just been issued with new aids which are both re-chargeable and bluetooth.
They are really good and can be highly recommended.

Talking via my hearing aids on my mobile phone is a real treat.
The phone doesn't even have to be anywhere near me.
They cost me nothing.

If you're in the U.K., enquire.

I have a Tyros5/76 & Tyros4 SE XL.
My keyboard holds every song ever written. I just have to find them.


John S,  Thank you for the message! I'm in the USA.  That's good news talking on your mobile phone is a real treat! Thanks again.