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PSR E463 Sustain Adjustment

Started by jannpls, Sep 17, 2021, 06:24 AM

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New keyboard user here.  Went to play the 463 this morning and when I release a key the note sound extends (sustain ? ) Searched everywhere for the setting to turn it back to normal. Where am I missing the setting ? Also, is this called sustain or expression ?


Did you have your foot on the sustain pedal when you turned the power on? Keyboard determines the polarity of the sustain pedal on power on. If the pedal was down, then down is the sustain off position and up is sustain on.


Hi jannpls,

yes, as already mentioned by MikeS, if you have connected a Sustain Pedal (e.g. Yamaha FC5 or FC4A) to the SUSTAIN jack of the E463, make sure that the Pedal is connected before switching on the instrument and do not (accidentally) press the Pedal before the instrument is has started completely. (Otherwise the Pedal will work "reversed".)

If this is not the error, the parameter "Release Time" could be set wrong (too high): When the function combination "4" is assigned to the Live Control knobs, the knob "B" controls the "Release Time" for both Main Voice and Dual Voice. (See pages 25 and 57 of the E463 Owner's Manual.)

Check also the Function parameters "017 M. Release" (= Release Time of the Main Voice) and "027 D. Release" (= Release Time of the Dual Voice). The default value is 064 here. This determines how fast the volume of the voice falls to 0 after the key is released: The larger the value, the longer the sustain. The smaller the value, the shorter the sustain. (See page 67 of the Manual.)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)