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SX900 Bonus Styles pack from Yamaha

Started by ChrisH, Aug 09, 2021, 07:48 PM

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Hi Guys

Has anyone installed the Bonus Pack from Yamaha ..I can download it but despite following instructions from the text file that comes with it I cannot install it ... I hit the Playlist button and navigate to the extracted files and hit Playlist again and it shows all the new bonus style BUT if you click on any of the names it comes up with an error saying file not found or inappropriate name and puts an exclamation mark next to the file.   (I have no issue converting MFD lists to a playlist and when I select a file it comes up with a green check mark and plays OK)  Any ideas???
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Initially, I had the same problem UNTIL I saved the second Playlist folder to the USB. Before that, I had copied the main playlist folder to USB, but the SX just showed the lists but couldn't access them when I selected it. What I did after that was to copy the SECOND folder that was within the first main folder list to the USB. The SX then successfully used that folder to extract the contents. When I did that, I could then access all the contents.



I`m not sure what you mean Bonus Pack SX900... where I can try to download it?
What is the name for that pack, exactly?




All the Yamaha Bonus packs are now free. Just select your keyboard model from this page.

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Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login Then scroll down to "Other Downloads", then to "Bonus Playlist for PSR-SX900"


Thanks TyrosRick

So after I download the Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login and extract the files it puts them into a folder called . If I open that folder there is another sub-folder called PSR-SX900 Playlist and the readme text file.  Inside the PSR-SX900 Playlist Folder are all the category Folders which each contain the .rgt files.

So which two folders need to go into the root of the USB?  I just put the BonusPlaylistForPSR-SX900 folder (containing everything inside it) onto my USB which gave me the issue  ... which folder is the 2nd one to put onto the usb also please???
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Put ONLY the second subfolder onto the USB, and NOT the first main folder


Also always make sure this folder reads USB 1. If you have two USB sticks plugged into your keyboard.


YAY it works fine as do the chords and styles now.  I went initially into the Playlist Lessons in PSR Tutorial and grabbed a couple of MFD files but they sounded terrible on the SX900 ..You have two options there either Tyros4 or PSR 970 ..I used the Tyros ones, they converted great BUT don't work correctly at all ..the backing all sounds much the same and for some reason major "one finger chords" sound OK but 7th's and minors sound way off ... I guess Tyros MFD's don't convert very well onto the SX900 ...any suggestion on what sty files or MFD files work well.   I find I get awesome backing from midis but I have to edit their master volumes from 127 down to 50 and also insert chords so vocal harmony works (since you are not using your left hand!!
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Try this one T5 MF

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Thanks Eileen

I will indeed try it .. I tried the MFD pack for both T4 and for the S950 from the tutorial site and they were both horrible with even intros being totally inappropriate .. The bonus pack on the other hand is really good and I have used it a lot already. Will let you know how the T5 MFD works out.
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Thanks Eileen

The T5 is pretty extensive and works very well so far!!  I did notice that it uses a lot of intros that my old S550 uses so Yamaha must have only changed intros and ending on the Genos and SX range as they are quite different ..Very useful however and much appreciated!! If you compare the quality and professionalism of the Bonus (and built-in) Styles they blow you away compared to the S series Arranger Styles.  A lot of the bonus styles actually use an almost original intro on most songs and a lot use the choir and ooh/arh  voices in the intros .. Dunno if you have played with a SX900 but it is a massive improvement but then again your Genos must be very good too??
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Hi Chris,
  I also have the SX900 as well as the Genos and they are both good keyboards in there own right.


Fantastic setup!  I just wish I could get a few more styles that use the SX900 intros ..even the T5 MFD as good as it was used intros that seemed to be the same as my S550 ..Guess I can live with the Bonus Pack it's pretty good!!  Thanks again for the help!!
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


The Bonus Playlist pack is using all the on board styles. Although there are some new styles and some old styles that have had new intro's and endings to them tere are still many that you will have heard on previous keyboards.


Thanks Eileen

and they can be changed on an arranger keyboard anyway!  I also have the entire midi collection from Jeff which is category sorted already by artist in one pack and alphabetically in a second pack.  They are really fun to play along with but they are all at volume 127 plus have a melody track so I am painstakingly editing each one I like and dropping the main midi volume down to 60, muting the melody track AND inserting chords into the file so the vocal harmony on the sx900 has correct chords to follow (as there is no need to play "left hand" so I use the full keyboard) .. it's a useful playing alternative as you can do instrumentals only or just use the midi as a backing track. Very versatile machines!!
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550