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Style question.

Started by Keyboard Master, Jul 30, 2021, 04:00 AM

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Keyboard Master

Hi there again. I have a very quick question. I noticed the style called discohands for intro and ending. When I switch between major and minor chord the midi pattern changes tunes one the preset ones on the psr s series but the psr e it only plays the Minor chord one and when played on major chord it only does minor chord pattern with major chord root on major chord. Did Yamaha Strip down the midi in that style for the psr e series. I'm curious.

Keyboard Master

For example. Take a Yamaha psr e453 and psr s700. Choose style Discohands on each one. For the s700 play intro/ending III and in the psr e453 or any psr e intro and ending. Do for example c major chord and c minor. Then you see what I mean. 😎😎