SOS HOW TO HOOKUP A USB SSD Simulation Floppy Disk Drive Emulator

Started by dont811, Jul 01, 2021, 01:29 PM

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( I hope i'm in the correct section)

Hi Gang,I recently purchased LOVEDAY3.5 USB SSD Simulation Floppy Disk Drive Emulator Plug for Yamaha KORG Keyboard
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for my Korg I-30 & Roland S50 sampler: both keyboards using floppy drives.**None of my PCs have a floppy drive so I can not just attach & format any thumb drive. I use both Win7.1 Pro & Win10. though i am dead in the water.**Anyone here (from around the world) has had any experience using this to eliminate all those 100's of floppies from years-gone-by ?
ANYONE'S H E L P  is most appreciated. Must i build a PC w/a MoBo that recognizes floppies to make this all work.
Have a Happy 4th of July my fellow AMERICANS
ps I've searched the net for a usable program(s) to format a USB thumb Drive for the Emulator too many times 'til my eyes fell out. Most of stuff is useless & in Mandarin.
.THANK YOU IN ADVANCE Kindest Regards, Don & his beloved PSR 910  ;) & OTHER 'STUFF'

Toril S

By a floppy drive on for instance amazone. Transfer the files from the floppies and put them on a USB stick. That is what I did. I then got myself some floppy disks and used them to transfer files to my PSR 2100. There are emulators, but keep in mind that they use special programs to work, not just plug and play. I am sure you will get a more useful answer soon, several members here have used emulators.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


4:50 PM Thur 67/1/21
Thanks Toril for the reply. I already own both a USB FD (reader/writer) AND an old fashion Floppy drive.  Major issues include-formatting the flash drive into 1000 or even 100 partitions & mount the bloody emulator & have it read from my 400+ 1.44MB floppies.
My 1987 KORG S50 used to sound so pristine. I hate to lose at after all the $$ cash I laid down for 'her' @ "ACE MUSIC-MIAMI".
  TORIL WROTE "Transfer the files from the floppies and put them on a USB stick."
My choices shown: NTFS...FAT (default)...Fat32...or exFat
What did you set each unit on the Flash Drive??  I can choose from 32kb  to 32768kb.

Toril S

I just transferred styles and multipads from the 2100. Just put the files in the right place on the keyboard. I never changed the floppy disk drive to an emulator. If you do that you have to worry about partitions. I really don't know much about it :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi dont811,

There are two fundamentally different types of floppy drive emulators:

- The first type requires specially formatted / partitioned USB sticks. This is very cumbersome and you may need a special formatting program for it:

The manufacturer / seller should provide such a program. Standard formatting / partitioning on Windows would not work. Some of these emulators obviously also have a built-in formatting function (see the second comment under the following video):

- The second type uses normally formatted USB sticks (a single FAT32 partition), and one FOLDER is simply used on the stick for each floppy disk.

You can find many videos on the topic of "Floppy emulator" on YouTube, also in connection with Yamaha keyboards.

This forum post may help you:
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By the way: To save the contents of floppy disks on the computer or to copy them to the USB stick, you simply use an external USB floppy disk drive on newer computers.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page