Help: tyros 3 with logic pro x . How to save instrument list

Started by gio, Jun 30, 2021, 11:49 AM

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Hi to all
I made some midi arrangements with tyros 3 and used logic pro x
I used tyros 3 instruments like tutti, strings which is eclusive to yamaha. 
Problem,  everytime i close and reload the song,  all instruments defaults to piano / all instruments are changed

Please help.  Thanks so much!




Hi Gio,

I'm sorry nobody answered your call until now. Although I'm not a Tyros/Logic/Mac user, hopefully, I can point you in the right direction:

Your MIDI tracks default to the piano voice because they contain no "Bank Select" or "Program Change" MIDI messages. A set of three messages, each with an appended numeric value, are needed to tell your Tyros to select a certain bank/voice for each part:

  • Bank Select MSB (0-127)
  • Bank Select LSB (0-127)
  • Program Change (0-127)

These messages can be inserted to your MIDI tracks using the Event List in Logic. Each voice on the Tyros has a unique MSB/LSB/PC combination. You'll need to study the tables in the Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, to find the data values that correspond to the voices you need. From the Voice List, we see that the "Tutti" strings voice has these values:

  • Bank Select MSB: 0
  • Bank Select LSB: 120
  • Program Change: 50
It's also a good idea to insert a "GM System On" or "XG System On" message at the beginning of the song. This makes sure that any previous voice selections or controller settings are reset before the new voice selections are sent. You should allow a little time for the reset to take effect, before sending more data (one bar is more than enough, 1/4 note may be fine).

- H -
Yamaha EX5R, S90ES, Motif ES7, Motif-Rack ES, MU2000EX, PLG150-AN, PLG150-DX, PLG150-VL, PLG100-VH, AN200, DM2000, XGworks, SQ01, SOL2, Roland D-50, D-550, JD-990, JX8P, MKS-70, Korg DW8000, Radias, Ensoniq SD-1


hi GeirH,

  thanks so much for the reply. really appreciate it
