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Importing S-670 MusicFinderFile into PSR-SX600

Started by chris-59, Jun 23, 2021, 12:21 PM

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Hi everyone,
I imported the musicfinderfile from Yamaha S-670 into the SX-600 in order to make a songlist.
Now it seems that there are too many records for the SX-600 to write within one session.
The records that are made in the user area and the tsv.file shows that it will only make records as far as the song "pokerface".
Probably the file is too large. I've included an excelfile which is the actual songlist. There are restriction here for uploading some types of files so I couldn't upload the mfd file.

Are there SX-600 users that imported the file successfully?
Is there anybody who can split the original mfd file into 2 pieces maybe?
Thanks for any respons,

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You should not need to split it as it is only a small file. Have you loaded it in so that it has converted to play list. Remember that registration banks will only show one registration button full. You can thn add to them yourself and then re-save the banks back to playlist.


Hi Chris,

the S670 Music Finder file contains 849 records. And that's obviously too many, because according to the specifications, the SX600 only supports a maximum of 500 records per Playlist file. (With SX700 and SX900 there is a maximum of 2500 records per Playlist file.)

I loaded the Yamaha S670 .mfd file into the PC program >>> "MusicFinderView" and split it into two files for you: Part1 = A - L, Part2 = M - Y (There are no records in this file that begin with Z.)

You can download the zip file that contains the mentioned two .mfd files from my Dropbox here:
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Please make also sure that the current Firmware (V1.02) is installed on your SX600:
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Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you so much Chris. This was really helpful. I managed to make the registrations and playlists. The second file gave me 329 files and a popup there was something wrong. After restarting the keyboard and doing it again it was ok (418 files). I guess he had a problem with doing it twice in a row. It is not the playlist i'm interested in, but the registrations. In the end we want to make our own registration and playlist. But  now i'm able to quickly find a suitable style for a certain song. I also made an export of the registrations to USB and edited the tsv.file for proper use.  It can be easlily done by the use of notepad.
Another way i like to use it, is the following. I've made a textfile of the registrations and songnames from the S670, SX600 & SX700. I then made a copy to my phone and now i'm able to search a certain song/registration by the use of my phone.
an example:
Fields Of Gold > S670 > 244 (with import of the mfd file it comes with a number which is convenient too)
Fields of Gold > SX600 > Pop&Rock
Fields of Gold > SX700 > Pop&Rock

I've included some files, maybe someone else can use this too.
best regards,

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Thanks for your detailed feedback, Chris!

I'm glad to could help you.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)