Playlist SX600 appears without registrations

Started by chris-59, May 31, 2021, 09:30 AM

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Hello everybody.
When I turn on the SX600 and recall the Playlist it appears to be empty. On the top of the screen you can see the name of the file.
When I load another playlist and then turn back again to the first playlist it was fine en filled with registrations.
The playlist resides on the USB stick so I copied it to the user area. It doesn't seem to make any difference though.
When I first turn on the SX600 the playlist file seems to be empty but isn't.
Anybody know what this could possible be?
Thanks for any input and your time,
kind regards,

After switching USB sticks the problem is solved. Very weird because the first USB stick was also formatted by the SX600.
Looking back there was probably a sign. The first USB stick made a popup again and again at first start of the keyboard telling me that it was found and recognized. The second USB stick makes no notification at all and works fine.
Thanks all for the support, it's a great community.


Hello Chris,
In order to use the Playlist, you must have the appropriate Bank registration. Specifically, each record in the Playlist must have an appropriate Bank.
I guess that's why nothing happens when you call the Playlist.
Watch this video in which I explain Playlists, it will be much clearer to you how it works.
eng. subtitle

regards, casper
Watch my video channel


Thanks Casper,
Already enjoyed your videos. :)


Thanks Chris,
i changed the link in the post above. If you start from the position I indicated, the explanation will be even more precise.
Watch my video channel


Hi Chris,

what we call "a Playlist" normally is a folder (e.g. on a USB stick) that contains one or more Playlist files (.tsv), and the folder also contains the regarding Registration Bank files (.rgt), usually one Bank file for each Playlist record. The .tsv file(s) and the Reg Bank files can also be stored in subfolders of the main Playlist folder.

If you copy only a Playlist file into the User drive, this Playlist will still use the original Registration files on the USB stick, and when the stick is not connected the Playlist will not work because the Registrations cannot be found.

Note: If you want to use a Playlist completely from the User drive, it is not enough to just copy the Playlist file(s) and the Registration files from the USB stick into the User drive, because the User drive has a different drive letter, and there are additional (hidden) System folders for each file type in the User drive. Therefore, the Playlist file must be edited in any case to work correctly with the Registrations in User drive.

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


This is very helpful, thank you very much for your time.