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Registration Banks SX 900

Started by faddario, May 31, 2021, 07:36 AM

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I have set up a folder in Reg. Bank and named it. I have several settings (1-7) saved in that bank. I notice that not all of my Registration Memory lights are on unless I select that setting on the screen. Can anyone explain to this novice.


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Fred Smith

Quote from: on May 31, 2021, 07:36 AM
I have set up a folder in Reg. Bank and named it. I have several settings (1-7) saved in that bank. I notice that not all of my Registration Memory lights are on unless I select that setting on the screen. Can anyone explain to this novice.

You'll have to provide more information. Your photo is too blurry to see anything in it.

By "folder", do you mean what most people understand a folder to be: a place where you store a bunch of files? Or is "folder" to you just one file that you've named?

Just so you know, it's normal to have registration buttons unlit. The buttons are lit only when you memorize to them. If you haven't memorized anything to a button, it will be unlit.

I have hundreds of registrations. Some are full (ie, all the buttons lit), but most are not. It all depends on what I've memorized to each button before I save the file.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Sorry I wasn't clear. The photo shows seven items in the led screen. The buttons have all but Number 4 lit.  I don't think I've done anything differently when I memorize settings to as button and that's why I'm curious as to why some are not lit.

Thanks again


It means nothing was stored in button 4. Maybe you stored something but then did not save the bank to memory (in which case the memory is "forgotten" when you load another bank). So my advice: store a new setting in button 4 and immediately save the bank to memory. Everything should be ok then.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700