Samples downloaden en opslaan op mijn Yamaha Arranger Home Workstation PSR-S710

Started by stepano, May 30, 2021, 02:05 PM

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Ik heb een PSR-S 710 keyboard . De voice "STRINGS" waaronder zich Strings, Allegro, Orchestra, Symphonic, ConcertoStrings,  OrchStrings, StringsQuartet, ConcertoStrings, AmeloStrings, Chamberstrings  klinken bijna allemaal hetzelfde als ik speel op mijn toetsenbord. Als ik een liedje speel met Allegro ingesteld klinkt dit hetzelfde als dat ik een liedje speel met Orchestra of symphonic.
Ik ben op zoek naar een voice waarvan de klankweergave een volledig strijkers orkest laat klinken, zoals je die bij de liedjes hoort op de radio en tv.
De sample "Symphonic" klinkt ondanks de aanduiding van twee violen (wat duid op meerdere violen) zeker niet als een volledig strijkers orkest of viool ensemble.
Is het mogelijk om een sample of voice (virtueel instrument vst) te downloaden die een volledig strijkers orkest weergeeft? En zo ja ,hoe kan ik deze sample dan importeren in mijn PSR-S710?
Bijkomende vraagjes: Naast de knop Fade in/out staat de knop OTS LINK. Waarvoor dient deze knop?  En wat betekent AUTO FILL IN?
Een technisch vraagje: zit er in de PSR-S710 een geluidskaart ingebouwd?
Dank bij voorbaat.
gilbert    :)

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Yamaha PSR-SX900
Yamaha PSR E463
Logitech Z623 Speakersystem


I have a PSR-S 710 keyboard. The voice "STRINGS" which includes Strings, Allegro, Orchestra, Symphonic, ConcertoStrings, OrchStrings, StringsQuartet, ConcertoStrings, AmeloStrings, Chamberstrings almost all sound the same when I play on my keyboard. When I play a song with Allegro set up, it sounds the same as when I play a song with Orchestra or symphonic.
I'm looking for a voice whose sound reproduces a full string orchestra, like you hear with the songs on the radio and TV.
The sample "Symphonic" certainly does not sound like a full string orchestra or violin ensemble, despite the designation of two violins (which indicates several violins).
Is it possible to download a sample of voice (virtual instrument vst) representing a full string orchestra? And if so, how can I import this sample into my PSR-S710?
Additional questions: Next to the Fade in/out button is the OTS LINK button. What is this button for? And what does AUTO FILL IN mean?
A technical question: is there a sound card built into the PSR-S710?
Thanks in advance.


You can produce full sounds merely by pressing the harmony button and adding another string voice to R2, thereby creating a multitude of voices playing simultaneously. The fade in/out button does exactly what it says - slowly increases or decreases the volume of the song being performed.

The one touch setting (OTS) button connects a predetermined voice from the style when a particular variation is selected. If you turn off the OTS button, they the voice(S) will remain the same as you originally selected.

The auto fill button allows you to place fills or breaks in a song when needed by merely pressing the variation button. Very simple and easy to use.

Yes, the keyboard has a built in sound engine - not a separate card. You can always add to those sounds with third party sounds that can be downloaded from this site.

BTW: This site is primary an English speaking site, so I had to use google translate in order to determine your needs. In the future, when posting a question, please do so in English.

Hope this helps,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Hi Gilbert,

Unfortunately, there is no way to load completely new sounds (using their own samples) into the PSR-S710. This only works with PSR-S750/950 (which use the discontinued ".yep" format), Tyros 2/3/4 and of course all newer models compatible with the "Yamaha Expansion Manager" (YEM), ie from PSR-S770 up to PSR-SX models, Tyros5 and Genos.

Under the following links you will find many voice files (also called "User Voice files" or "Voice Set files") for download. You can simply copy the files to a USB stick (of course, unzip the downloaded zip file on your computer beforehand) and directly load the voices into RIGHT1/2 from the USB stick.

Note: These voice files only contain voice/effect settings, but use the samples of the internal Preset voices.

If you press the "Harmony/Echo" button (as mentioned by Gary), you can add a "Keyboard Harmony" effect. The result depends on the chord you play with your left hand. Under "[Function] > Harmony/Echo" you can set the desired Harmony/Echo type.

On the S710 you can find more Strings voices in the "GM & XG" Voice folder:

Press any Voice Category button (e.g. PIANO), then press "UP" (upper button "8") and go to page 2 (P2).

You should now see the "GM & XG" voice folder. Among other folders, you will find a "Strings" folder and an "Ensemble" folder in which you will find many additional good Strings voices.

You can also use the option to set the voices of Parts R1 and R2 to different octaves. In the Mixing Console or in the Voice Set display you can adjust the sound if necessary (EQ High/Low) and/or change the Effect settings, e.g. assign a DSP effect type such as CHORUS (e.g. "Symphonic" or "Ensemble Detune").

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


First of all, thank you very much for the extensive and knowledgeable answers I received.
I've learned a lot, but I still have a few questions.

The One Touch Setting (OTS) button connects a predetermined voice from the style when a certain variation is

If you turn off the OTS button, the voice(s) remains the same as originally selected.

Does this mean that I can change the voices in one style and replace them with another voice?
How do I change votes from one style to another?

Thanks in advance,


You can set whatever voice you want as the OTS voice. Have you looked at the manual and the lessons in this forum?


Yes, you change the voices in the OTS to any voice you wish, however, the style file must then be saved as a USER file and renamed.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...




Are the lessons on OTS only in the English language?


Hello ,
Ik vind de score functie een prachtig hulpmiddel om de gespeelde muziek in notenschrift te kunnen zien en lezen. Maar ..... jammer dat deze notaties op de partituren niet kunnen worden afgeprint.

Of is er misschien toch een mogelijkheid om het notenschrift af te drukken?

Edit by Roger Brenizer: Translated post to English

Hello ,
I think the score function is a wonderful tool to see and read the music played in notation. But ..... a pity that these notations on the scores cannot be printed.

Or is there perhaps a possibility to print the notation? grtz

Please post in English only, as we are an English speaking forum, Stepano.


, I think the scoring function is a wonderful tool to be able to see and read the music played in note writing. But..... too bad these notations cannot be printed on the scores.
Or is there perhaps an opportunity to write off the notation



Can anyone explain to me why the Strings on my Yamaha arranger home keyboard psr-s710 all sound the same?
Are there samples with real violin sounds available for my Yamaha arranger home keyboard psr-s710?

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Quote from: stepano on Aug 09, 2021, 01:55 AM

Can anyone explain to me why the Strings on my Yamaha arranger home keyboard psr-s710 all sound the same?
Are there samples with real violin sounds available for my Yamaha arranger home keyboard psr-s710?

Hi Gilberto,

You already asked this question in the first post of this thread, and I already gave you an extensive answer here:
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You cannot load external samples with the S710. You can only try other Preset Voices as described above, e.g. from the "Strings" or "Ensemble" folders in the "GM&XG" Voice folder. The GM&XG folder "Ethnic" also contains some Strings Voices, e.g. "Fiddle".

You can also change any Preset Voice in the "Voice Set" and / or in the "Mixing Console" as you wish. Here you can also change the effects used. You can save the changed voice in the "Voice Set" with SAVE as a so-called "User Voice" (in the User drive or on a USB stick). Note, however, that these User Voices can only be used in Keyboard Parts (Right, Left), i.e. not in Styles, MIDI files or Multi Pads. Alternatively, you can simply memorize (save) Voices that you have changed in the Voice Set or in the Mixer directly in Registrations (without saving them as User Voice beforehand).

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,
Nogmaals bedankt voor de aangeboden hulp.

Ik heb dus uw richtlijnen opgevolgd en gekeken en geluisterd naar de voices in de Map GM&XG. Maar ik merk daar geen verschil van de klanken bij de strings die ik ook kan zien onder Balans -Part-Mixing Console en dan Part Channel On/Of.

Als je op één van de instrumenten zwarte knopjes duwt onderaan zoals: RHY1-RHY2- Bass- CHD1-CHD2- PAD- PHR1- PHR2 dan verschijnen dezelfde stemmen zoals op de bovengenoemde manier.

Echt ik erken er geen enkele string voice met een echte klank zoals een viool voortbrengt. Ik heb ook bij de lessen geluisterd naar de songs gespeeld door de muzikanten met hun diverse Yamaha keyboarden.

Heel mooie en artistieke liedjes, maar alleen bij Ave Maria  en dan nog met een Genos of Tyros werd de vioolkank het dichtst benaderd.

Het is echt heel misleidend wat Yamaha doet, ontelbare voices voorstellen maar heel vele samples met dezelfde klanken.

Ik wil daar geen onrecht mee aandoen aan de kwaliteit en genialiteit van de Firma Yamaha. Ze maken echt brillante synthesizers met alles er op en er aan, maar hopelijk komen er in de nabije toekomst samples die echte naturelle vioolklanken voortbrengen.

Het heeft dan ook geen zin voor mij om de OTS functie te gebruiken of Harmonie /Echo.

Zelfs de Daws van Steinberg cubase hebben geen echte vioolklanken, toch niet in de goedkopere versies. Ik heb  cubase 5 en cubase elements 10.5 en daar vind je ook geen echte viool samples in terug.

Ik wil pure echte vioolklanken zoals je hoort op de radio en tv die door violisten worden gespeeld.

stepano   ;)


Hi stepano,

As already written several times, this is an English-speaking forum. It is very annoying for the members if a user repeatedly posts in another language. So please edit your last post, i.e. delete the Dutch text and post in English instead!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,
Hi Chris,
Thanks again for the help offered.

So I followed your guidelines and looked at the voices in the GM&XG folder. But I don't notice any difference from the sounds in the strings that I can also see under Balans -Part-Mixing Console and then Part Channel On/Of.

If you press black buttons on one of the instruments at the bottom such as: RHY1-RHY2- Bass- CHD1-CHD2- PAD- PHR1- PHR2 then the same voices appear as in the above way.

Really I don't recognize any string voice with a real sound like a violin produces. I also listened to the songs played by the musicians with their various Yamaha keyboards during the lessons.

Very beautiful and artistic songs, but only at Ave Maria and then with a Genos or Tyros the violin jug was approached the closest.

It is really very misleading what Yamaha does, representing countless voices but a lot of samples with the same sounds.

I do not want to do any injustice to the quality and genius of the Yamaha company. They make really brilliance synthesizers with everything on and on them, but hopefully in the near future there will be samples that produce real natural violin sounds.

It makes no sense for me to use the OTS function or Harmonie /Echo.

Even the Daws of Steinberg have no real violin sounds, not in the cheaper versions. I have cubase 5 and cubase elements 10.5 and you won't find any real violin samples in that either.

I want pure real violin sounds as you hear on the radio and TV played by violinists.

Best regards,




Sorry again,
I have now placed the text in English and will also check that my text remains in the English language as I have placed it.



I'm trying to send an email to the email address: (Email address deleted)
asking to upload two mp3 files.
Apparently, this email no longer exists.

Hello Joe Waters,
I like to play on my Yamaha arranger home workstation psr-s710.
Sometimes I compose a song and then record it as an mp3 file.
Is it possible that I can upload a musical song on the song page with mp3 files?
I send in the attachment 2 songs of mine played and recorded on my Yamaha psr-s710 keyboard.
With kind regards,

I would like your answer on this.
Gilbert       ;)

Edit by Roger Brenizer: Deleted email address posted above.  Please don't post our member's email addresses in the public forum.  Email addresses can be obtained by clicking on a member's Avatar or Username.


Thank you very much for your reply.
Can you tell me how to upload an mp3 song?
Best regards.
stepano     :)