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Registration Group Data List Parameters

Started by repetedj, May 07, 2021, 11:58 PM

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When a Registration is memorized, the Group Select box is shown containing the groups that can be checked off to save in the registration button. In the owners manual on pg 85, is states to see the parameter list on page 10 of the Data List.

I am trying to find out what parameters are in each group in the Group Select box.
For example, how do I find out what group contains the "Fingering Type"?
What group contains the One Touch setting? etc.



You can see the list of functions stored in the registration in the Genos Data list by page 82 in the Registration section.
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BTW. One Touch Setting is activated together with Style, OTS is not directly related to Registration.
Check out this video that could help you understand registrations.
Watch my video channel


Quote from: repetedj on May 07, 2021, 11:58 PM
When a Registration is memorized, the Group Select box is shown containing the groups that can be checked off to save in the registration button. In the owners manual on pg 85, is states to see the parameter list on page 10 of the Data List.

I am trying to find out what parameters are in each group in the Group Select box.
For example, how do I find out what group contains the "Fingering Type"?
What group contains the One Touch setting? etc. ...

Hi repetedj,

first of all, please make sure that you have downloaded the latest versions of the Tyros5 manuals (Owner's Manual "a0", Reference Manual "b0" and Data List "d0"). The codes "d0" etc. are given in the filenames of the PDF files.

Here is a link to the Tyros5 download site:
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Here are some hints how I use the Parameter Chart:

- Load the Tyros5 Data List PDF file on your computer and go to page 69 (section "Parameter Chart").

- Find the columns "Style > OTS", "Registration > Regist" and "Registration > Freeze Groop".

- Use the Search function of your PDR Reader program (mostly "Cmd+F" and then repeatedly "F3" or "Enter") to find all the places where a certain search term appears.

- A  o  symbol in a certain column of the Parameter Chart means that a certain parameter (given in first column) is or can be memorized (saved) here. (An  X  symbol says that this parameter cannot be saved here.)

- The parameters "Song File" or "Style File" can be memorized in Registrations but not in OTS.
- The parameter "Multi Pad File" can be memorized in Registrations and also in OTS.

Note: When memorizing the current Panel settings to an OTS button (by pressing "MEMORY" button and then the desired OTS button), you cannot specify which parameter should (and should not) be memorized. In the case of OTS, all parameters possible here are automatically saved. The "Groop Select" checkboxes are only valid for memorizing Registrations, but not for OTS.

When memorizing the current Panel settings to a Registration button, you can specify the memorized parameter groops by ticking the corresponding checkboxes. In the "Parameter Chart" you can see in the column "Freeze Group" to which groop a certain parameter belongs.

Please see also the attached picture.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


ckobu and overover,

Thanks for the help. I was not interpreting the manual the right way. Your explanations made it clear.  I do have the manuals but I need to download the latest versions as the ones I downloaded were some time ago.

It's great that you both were able to help.  I appreciate it.
