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Music Finder Files Transfer To Playliast?

Started by SX600, Apr 28, 2021, 02:57 PM

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I had a PSR-S700 with the "Music Finder" that had lots of accompaniment selections on it.
I traded-in the S700 for a PSR-SX600 that has a "Playlist."
I read on the Internet that I could have transferred the S700 "Music Finder" files to the SX600.
Since the instrument is gone, is there a Yamaha Internet Download File that I can get all the "Music Finder" files from?


You can watch the video and use my MDF file (link in the description) to make a Playlist in sx600.
Watch my video channel


Hi SX600,

you can download the original Music Finder "Standard Library" (.mfd format) for the PSR-S700 (and for some other previous models) here:
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You could also try this Music Finder file (containing 2500 records) from the Swiss musician "Emanuel". (It was originally created for the S970 and should also be able to be imported into the SX600 as a Playlist without any problems.)
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If you have not already done so, please also read the instructions for importing .mfd files to the Playlist on pages 83/84 in the SX600 Reference Manual. Download here if required:
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You can preview and/or edit the contents of .mfd files using one of the programs "MusicFinderView" or "Music Finder File Manager":
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Will the download work on my PSR-SX600?
I no longer own the PSR-S700.
Also, any chance of any download corrupting the instrument's file system?


I try the psr S700 now as imported mfd's still executing now on the psr sx600...takes long time
If the file may be corrupted : a error message will be shown then ?

There are no virusses .. i think with this data transfer ? 

Note: still busy this executing..but it takes 10 minutes and now it is ready !..500 registrations ( no note score for play along)

The psr sx 600 can also use mobilsheets pro program for registrations with a pdf score


Quote from: SX600 on Apr 29, 2021, 08:44 AM
Will the download work on my PSR-SX600?
I no longer own the PSR-S700.
Also, any chance of any download corrupting the instrument's file system?

You don't need an S700 anymore. All available .mfd files can be imported on your SX600 and then used as a Playlist. (The import function will automatically create a Registration Bank file for each record of the imported .mfd file.)

Please, as mentioned, refer to the the SX600 Reference Manual and watch also Casper's video.

Importing .mfd files cannot break anything on the instrument. The only thing that could happen is that an error message appears if a certain .mfd file cannot be used (e.g. because it contains incorrect entries or certain, unsupported special characters).

If you haven't done this yet: You can download the SX600 Bonus Playlist (containing 325 song titles) from the SX600 download page (linked above).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


One more thing...(PSR-SX600) I know that during a power-on and holding down the "B" note key will erase all the registrations -- but, how can I remove individual registrations without erasing all of them?


This will only remove information from the currant Registration bank you are using thus giving you a blank bank to work with. If you want to remove individual registration set ups from the registration bank then press registration and then select Menu on the right hand side of screen. Now select Regist Bank Edit. Highlight the ones you want to remove from the eight and press delete.