PSR setup

Started by Alle, Apr 17, 2021, 02:30 AM

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Ciao a tutti,
I would like some advice about the keyboard setup to be able to accompany pop songs with sing:
- I play the bass with the left and the chords with the right;
- I do not use often ACPM,  generally use only rhythms and sometimes the bass.
   What kind of fingering and keyboard setup? (upper, lower, split)
I also play simple Jazz standards, in this case I play the melody with the left and the chords with the right.

Thank you all


Hi Alessandro,

which keyboard model do you use?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)




Quote from: Alle on Apr 17, 2021, 02:30 AM
... I would like some advice about the keyboard setup to be able to accompany pop songs with sing:
- I play the bass with the left and the chords with the right;
- I do not use often ACPM,  generally use only rhythms and sometimes the bass.
   What kind of fingering and keyboard setup? (upper, lower, split)
I also play simple Jazz standards, in this case I play the melody with the left and the chords with the right. ...
Quote from: Alle on Apr 17, 2021, 12:47 PM
PSR 670 ...

Hi Alessandro,

with the ACMP switched OFF (but the LEFT Part switched on) you can of course play a Bass voice with your left hand and chords with your right hand. If you also let the Style run along, you will only hear the DRUMS (not the other Style Parts).

To control the accompaniment (when ACMP is switched ON) by the chords played with the right hand, there are two options on the PSR-S670:

1) In the "Split Point" display you can set the "Chord Detection" area to "Upper", and there is also a setting "Manual Bass". You can then play the Bass manually in the LEFT area, and the chord recognition takes place exclusively in the "Upper" area (right hand). The Chord Fingering will automatically set to the specific type "FINGERED*" in this case. (Please refer also to page 55 of the S670 Owner's Manual.)

2) Alternatively you could try setting the Chord Fingering to "FULL KEYBOARD" or "AI FULL KEYBOARD". (Please refer to page 21 of the PSR-S670 Reference Manual.)

Then with the LEFT Part switched on, you should be able to play the BASS manually with your left hand and with your right hand you play chords that control the automatic accompaniment. In this case, it is important that you switch off the Style Parts that are not required (especially the BASS of the Style) or set the volume(s) to zero.

Note: With ACMP switched ON but the Style is stopped, you will not hear the LEFT Voice (at least if the LEFT Split Point is set identical to the STYLE Split Point). In this case, whether you hear a chord or nothing while playing in the Style control area depends on the setting of the "STOP ACMP" parameter in the Style Setting. So you cannot play single notes (Bass notes) with your left hand in this mode.

It is best to save the settings you have made in Registrations. With the ticked "Style" in the MEMORY dialog, the style and left split points, the ACMP status, the Style Part volumes, the on/off status of the individual Style Parts and the currently set Chord Fingering are also automatically saved. In order for the RIGHT Voice settings to be properly saved in Registrations, the "Harmony/Arpeggio" (!) checkmark must be set in addition to the "Voice" checkmark.

Hope this helps!
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks Chris,
your advice is very useful and well explained ..



Thanks for your feedback, Alessandro!

I'm glad to could help you. If anything should not work as expected, just get in touch here. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Alle on Apr 17, 2021, 02:30 AM
I also play simple Jazz standards, in this case I play the melody with the left and the chords with the right.
surely not. Is this a slip of the translation??


it's my mistake in writing; when I play Jazz standards  I play the melody with the right hand and the chords with the left.



Chris has given you good information, but I would add one comment. When you set the accompaniment to Full Keyboard or AI Full Keyboard, it is usually best to use a voice which sounds well with multi notes, like piano or electric piano. In fact, if you do this you don't really have to switch off any style parts, because it will sound pretty natural, like a piano player with a band. Except maybe if a piano is already in the style, you might want that switched off. Even if the bass doubles up with your piano it won't sound bad.


Thanks Mike,
I will also try your valuable advice,