- Download Styles and Expansion Packs

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Style packs.

Started by terry_pym, Apr 10, 2021, 07:29 AM

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Hello everyone.
I am a new(old) member and not very computer literate.
My query is I downloaded "Style pack for Easy Keyboard Colletion - Pub Singalong Collection"
and when I load it into my keyboard it changes my footpedal settings, then when I
choose a song it plays with a different style(sometimes when I go through the songs
and go back to them).
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Hi Terry,

which keyboard model do you have?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Graham UK

Footpedal Settings can change when pressing a Registration but as you state these are styles so that won't happen. Are you sure you are not using Registrations ?.


Thank you Chris and Graham for your replies.
I'ts a tyros 5 and yes ,you are right, they are registrations.
They are described as  "The styles in this particular pack are suitable for all the titles in the book:
Easy Keyboard Library - Pub Singalong Collection.

The styles are named after the songs they are meant for. These styles are optimized for a Tyros 5 and on occasion make use of expansion pack voices. The book itself is not included!", but they are definately registrations.
Is there any way to stop them altering my settings?
Thanks both.



Hi Terry,

I just looked into this Style pack: The zip file contains only 23 Style files, nothing else, no Registration files.

Styles (or their OTS) cannot change Pedal settings. Therfore your problem must have another reason.

In contrast, Registrations CAN change Pedal settings (if different Pedal settings are memorized in the relevant Registration). But as mentioned, this pack doesn't contains any Registration files.

The only way to prevent your Pedal settings from changing by (unknown) Registrations is using the FREEZE function:

- Press "Direct Access" button and the FREEZE button to call up the Freeze Settings. Make sure PEDAL is ticked, and remove all other ckeckmarks. Press EXIT button to save the settings.

- Make sure the FREEZE function is OFF (the button does NOT light up).

- Make the desired Pedal settings (either manually or by calling up a Registration that contains the desired Pedal settings).

- Press the FREEZE button, so that it lights up.

- Now the Pedal settings cannot be changed anymore by Registrations. :)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hello Chris.
Thanks again for answering my query.
When I download this from usb to hdd all the songs show in both
styles and registrations and can be recalled from registrations but
all they are all empty in styles.


Hello again Chris.
I set everything back to normal and did what you
suggested with the freeze button and now everything
is fine.
What a wonderful forum ;D
All the best.