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Yamaha PSR SX900/700 2.0

Started by Jabran.jibbi, Mar 31, 2021, 07:27 AM

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Hi folks hope u all are good as we know tha Genos 2.0 os upgrade is already in the market
Can we expect from yamaha instead of making new models e.g sx950/750 will they release os upgrade 2.0 for sx series keyboards this year????
I really want to know the answer and these keyboards are really upgrade able


Genos 2, Korg PA5X, Ketron EventX, Nord PedalKeys27


Its anyone's Guess. Been a bad year for all and things are probaly way behind anyway. Just enjoy what you have.

Christopher Fernandes

SX600 comes with new styles, a few taken from the CVP 809 and also several new features like the Unison & Accent feature. Doesn't make sense for a lower SX600 of the same SX series to have more exclusive features and content than the more expensive & flagship SX900. So I think we can expect a feature update on the SX700/900.

We saw this trend with the Chord Looper function where it was a launch exclusive feature with several exclusive styles on the SX900 and 6 months later, Genos got it.

But again, take it with a grain of salt.
Current Instruments: Yamaha PSR-SX900/Epiphone DR100 AG

Gear: Yamaha KS-SW100 Subwoofer

Past Instruments: PSR-E413
Played: All Yamaha PSR-S, KORG PA700


I agree with Christopher.

I think it is time for an update of the SX900 /SX700 operating system, including the new applications that come with the SX600.

Another very important improvement is that we could have Multitrack Audio recorder in the SX900.


"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"

Frie van Peer

If there is an update for the Yamaha PSR-SX700, please integrate the possibility to change the time and date, at this moment everything stay on 2019-01-01. 😉😉