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Change (edit) wrong chord

Started by bassgolf, Mar 30, 2021, 09:05 PM

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I recorded an original song and made a mistake(wrong chord) on  1 bar. How can I correct the mistake? Can I edit the chord in an event list?

Thank you

Sibelius 6
Mac Os


Unless you used step record you will not have a chord event list. If you have used a style as well as Left hand voice. Then you can alter the notes used in the tracks event lists but it will take a long time doing them all. Have you tried Punch in and out.


Punch in/out should do it. It's pretty easy, this way you just set the bar and channels you want to change, and play the correct chord while recording,  and only this bar will be changed. You can find the 'how' 'in the reference manual.


Quote from: EileenL on Mar 31, 2021, 08:22 AM
Unless you used step record you will not have a chord event list. If you have used a style as well as Left hand voice. Then you can alter the notes used in the tracks event lists but it will take a long time doing them all. Have you tried Punch in and out.

I recorded live with a Style but don't recall setting up a LH voice. What channel would I use for punch in/out?

Thanks for your help.

Sibelius 6
Mac Os


The style defaults to recording on song parts 9-16


As Derek says style parts are on Ch 9 -16, so if you did not change that, those are going to be the channels to correct. When you use the punch in/out function you select the channels and bar number you are changing, and everything else stays the same. Before you start editing anything save a copy of the song by saving with a slightly different name eg put a 2 in the name. Then edit the copy that way no big deal if you mess up the editing. You always have the original and can repeat the process if you mess up.
If you recorded a lh voice (doesn't sound like you did)  then also no big deal because you will still hear it after you fix the chord. Then you can repeat the process by selecting those channels to fix that.
It's not hard to find offending channels by putting them on and off while playing back the recording. You can also see which channels are containing data as they light up on playback.
You might find this process a bit trial and error first time, we all do, which is why you make a copy, but it is actually simple once you get the hang of it. And it is essential you learn how to do this and other editing if you intend to make multi track recordings.


Hello Mike,

I tried using punch in/out but all that happened was that the data on those bars was deleted. I tried just playing a chord with my LH at the bar in question. I ended up editing each part separately for that bar (which took a lot of time). There must be a simpler way. It's too bad that one can't just copy the style data from a similar bar to another bar.

BTW after editing the measure the chord symbol on the score page still has the wrong chord symbol. How do I change that?

Thanks for all you help.


Sibelius 6
Mac Os


If you didn't get anything recorded you didnt do it right. You have to make sure you set up to record data to the channels  not just delete data. Far too involved for me to give you step by step here. Look carefully at the manual, and look at the tutorials on this website, then try again. ensure you route what you are playing to the channels you are replacing. It definitely works and it is fairly simple.


Quote from: mikf on Mar 31, 2021, 06:26 PM
If you didn't get anything recorded you didnt do it right. You have to make sure you set up to record data to the channels  not just delete data. Far too involved for me to give you step by step here. Look carefully at the manual, and look at the tutorials on this website, then try again. ensure you route what you are playing to the channels you are replacing. It definitely works and it is fairly simple.

Just to be clear Mike. The way I recorded the song was to use a Style and just playing chords in my left hand. Can I not just play a chord while doing the punch in/out at that point? Or do I have to edit each part of the style(bass, piano, guitar etc) separately?


Sibelius 6
Mac Os

Fred Smith

Quote from: bassgolf on Apr 01, 2021, 03:32 PM
Just to be clear Mike. The way I recorded the song was to use a Style and just playing chords in my left hand. Can I not just play a chord while doing the punch in/out at that point? Or do I have to edit each part of the style(bass, piano, guitar etc) separately?

You don't have to edit each part.

You play like you do when you record for the first time. Only with punch in/out, you tell the keyboard what measures you want recorded (ie from 14 to 21, or in your case just one measure).

When your playing gets to the specified measures, what you play replaces the recorded measures. All other measure outside the punch in/out range are unaffected.

In fact, you don't have to play anything outside the punch range. But most of us find it easier to replay the song as initially recorded. It makes for a smoother edit.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Fred , I think he may also have to check he has set the channels to record the style parts/voices he is playing. It's a while since I did this so I don't remember and I am not near my keyboard to jog my memory.


Fred, I agree it's smoother to record at least a section before and after the bars you are correcting. When I was doing this a lot I got really good at zipping the song forward to just a few bars ahead of the correct bar.
Bassgolf needs to go into the reference manual where the procedure is detailed. And of course he can do the correction in one pass and doesn't need to individually fix each channel, provided he sets all the style channels to record.


You must select the tracks you want to be altered first to REC then set the bar for punch IN and the No bar for punch OUT. For instance if you have a four bar intro you would set to Punch in at Bar Five and out at Bar six then play your chord that is wrong after intro has played. Also this works smother if assigned to the effects pedal.


Yes Eileen, if he deleted but got no recording that is almost certainly because he didn't set the channels to record.


Thanks for everyone's input on this.

Is there a way to have a 1 bar lead in before the measure to replace? Or does one have to start at the beginning each time?


Sibelius 6
Mac Os


Just set it up then fast forward the song to any bar you like. I usually like a few bars before to give time to start playing. Remember you can play along but only the bars you marked are affected. You are probably going to have a bit of experiment and trial and error as you are new to this.


Thanks Mike (and everyone else),

I had an AHA!!! moment while I was going crazy trying to figure out why the punch in/out wasn't working for me. Turns out the directions in the reference manual left out a crucial step. After step 4 "While holding the Song Rec button etc" one must then press the "Sync Start" button followed by step 5 "Press the Song (play pause) button.

It finally worked for me now!!



Sibelius 6
Mac Os


I'm so relieved  😆