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Projecting Lyrics from Keyboard to a TV

Started by hammer, Mar 27, 2021, 07:20 PM

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Because I do not sing I have often been asked if there was a way to show the
lyrics on a TV screen.   I once printed about 100 song lyrics and put them in binders.  The problem with that is I had to carry around 30 binders to every gig - not fun.

So, does anyone know how to project lyrics to a TV from your keyboard?
FYI -I currently use either my Yamaha S900 or my Ketron SD40 Module.


Fred Smith

Quote from: hammer on Mar 27, 2021, 07:20 PM
Because I do not sing I have often been asked if there was a way to show the
lyrics on a TV screen.   I once printed about 100 song lyrics and put them in binders.  The problem with that is I had to carry around 30 binders to every gig - not fun.

So, does anyone know how to project lyrics to a TV from your keyboard?
FYI -I currently use either my Yamaha S900 or my Ketron SD40 Module.

I do it all the time. I put the lyrics in text files, and link them to my registrations so they come up automatically. I connect to the TV through the video out port.

Take a look at my registration videos. Link in my signature.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Fred,
Thanks for the info.  Must I use registrations to do this?  After 15 years of playing Yamaha keyboards I have never had a need for registration use.


Fred Smith

Quote from: hammer on Mar 27, 2021, 09:20 PM
Hi Fred,
Thanks for the info.  Must I use registrations to do this?  After 15 years of playing Yamaha keyboards I have never had a need for registration use.


As you've found out, you don't have to use registrations for anything. They just make your life a lot easier, but it's up to you.

You can easily call up the text file manually, just like any other operation.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


The Ketron will display both text and PDF. 


I provide the Music Ministry for our local (small) Catholic Church.  Since they can't afford to update the hymnals in the pews, when I choose new(er) music, I project the lyrics from the keyboard using text files and registrations as well.

I generally set it up as Verse 1 on registration 1, Verse 2 on reg 2, etc.  Repeating chorus are on reg 8.  If the song starts with a chorus, I use Reg 9.  Reg 10 is always the ending.  Then I set the registration  order and use a foot pedal to step through them.  For example:  9,1,8,2,8,3,8,4,8,10. That is a hymn that starts with a Refrain, and has 4 verses.

One thing to bear in mind is the relatively small size of the text window.  Using a Medium Font (monospace makes formatting easier for me), you have 15 lines of 58 characters.  Using a smaller font doesn't work well with my projector ... not enough resolution.

Hope this helps!

Current Projects:
Providing the instrumental music for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Singing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)


Thanks Adam - input appreciated.



thank you for all that interesting clarification