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Genos-Voices played with Tyros5

Started by pmahl, Mar 21, 2021, 08:19 AM

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Hi all,
with Tyros 5 you can play a large part of the Genos voices. The problem is that you can assign a Genos voice to the OTS of a style, but after saving the display does not show the voice name but only some strokes. The voice can still be heard. Does anyone know a way to make the correct voice name visible in the OTS? Helpful tips are very welcome.


I get the same thing - - - - (dashes) on my PSR S950 Keyboard for missing OTS.

I believe what is happening, is the keyboard is finding a SIMILAR voice to sub for the missing VOICE. You do not (nor do I have on my S950) the Genos voices hidden on our keyboards. The reason I believe this is, I have find many times the voice on my keyboard that the - - - - (dashes) are soundings. When I find the VOICE, I select it into the OTS and save the style. In a few cases where I want the VOICE that is in the OTS but can't figure out what it is, I just move that OTS to where I want it in the OTS slot (1,2,3,4) that I want it to be in, OR use it in another completely different style.

I have also found (on my S950) that many of the OTS use the same VOICES but have very different Reverb, Chorus and Sustain settings on the voices. These settings can get a completely different and much better sounds out of the same instrument voice. Thus giving the impression you are hearing a completely different voice, when in fact you are NOT.



I don't know if this works, but I would try: in order to may see the name of the voice, at the first time that you load the Genos voice, I would first SAVE that voice in your Voices User area (once forever). During the saving step, you'll be asked to name the voice, and you can digit the original Genos name of that voice.

Hope it works  :D


Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


If you are using Genos style OTS the voice you hear will be the nearest one the keyboard can find to the original. It will not be a Genos voice you hear. That is why you are not getting correct name.


First of all, I would like to thank you all for the information.   But---
If Tyros5 can't recognize the Genos voices, it seems logical that then the most similar internal voice of Tyros5 is taken. But that raises other questions. Why then is the Voice name not displayed? The different effect settings etc. cannot be the cause. Because if you change the voice settings (volume, effects etc.) of the internal voices, assign them as OTS to a style, save the style, the same (correct) voice name is always displayed when you select the style again.
Another objection: If e.g. R1 shows only dashes, in my opinion the substitute voice should be displayed after pressing the R1 key. This is not the case. Most of the time a piano voice (sometimes others) is displayed even though a brass voice is heard, for example. I interpret this to mean that there is no way in the Tyros 5 software to display the name of an automatically generated Subtitute Voice. That would be a software error for me.
Also the attempt to save the style with the selected Genos Voice in the user area brought no success.
Despite the unsatisfactory result for me, many thanks for your support.


The OTS does not store the voice name - it stores some numbers which are "pointers" to the voice. Think of it a bit like a street address. If there's no house at the address, it can't display the name.


What happens if you try transferring a voice file from Genos to Ty5 that you KNOW is present in Tyros, say the SA2 Clarinet? If that also results in dashes it suggests the voice file format on Genos may have changed and is no longer totally compatible with Tyros's which would not be too surprising.
If in spite of the dashes the clarinet sounds genuine it shows the Tyros is accessing its own samples satisfactorily and even if the name does not show presumably you should be able to see the clarinet's voice nos. displayed if you set that option in the screen menus. (You may be able to see the voice nos. of any "mystery" substitute voices in this way and identify what they actually are by referring to the data list or scrolling through the Tyros voice files?)



If you download styles for CVP pianos the piano will always show dashes for the voice because the voice in not on Tyros. Just change it to the piano you have on your keyboard and problem solved.


Hi Derek,
I agree. I know the structure of a voice address with MSB, LSB and voice number.
But this is not my point.
I want to follow your example and try to explain my point of view:
In my street there are house numbers up to number15. If I now send a letter via keyboard to number 16 (= number of the Genos voice) my Tyros5 would probably forward the letter to number 15 (= the nearest Tyros5 voice). So far so good. Behind the house number 15 is the name of a family. Let's assume that the family is called "Concert Grand". In the keyboard this family has the address MSB=0, LSB=122, VoiceNo.=1. But in the display of the keyboard the name "Concert Grand" appears. This is correct and good.
My point is: If I address house number 16 (=Genos voice), the keyboard obviously selects number 15 (= the nearest Tyros5 voice). However, I have no way to see in the display of my keyboard which name belongs to number 15.
The translation of the number to a name obviously does not work when replacing a Genos voice with a Tyros voice.
I apologize already now if I express myself incomprehensibly. The translation was done with DeepL.


Hi John
I need the information for Tyros5 where I can set this option to display the voice numbers. I have not found it so far.
Many thank's in advance.


Hi Peter,
One of the first settings I make with a new KB is to set display of voice nos. Unfortunately I can't remember how this was accessed in Tyros's, probably via Display, but you have probably tried this already.
Hopefully someone with a  better memory than me, or currently owning a Tyros will be able to help.
(On Genos it is accessed via a submenu which appears when a voice is selected in the display).

Regards, John


A few years ago I was converting one of the newer keyboards styles (Tyros 5 maybe) to use in my S950. I used a free PROGRAM (one of Jorgen's I think) to SEE what the voices were in the OTS of each style.

I don't know if the program I used has been update to include the GENOS model or not.

Maybe someone here has used that program recently and can tell you if it has. But that is what you need to answer your question and go about updating the OTS missing voices. The program only tells you the default voice used NOT the Reverb, Chorus or other setting used to create the sound you are hearing. If you only replace the OTS voice with the DEFAULT voice, in most cases you will NOT get the voice sound that was originally there.

This is why I originally told you NOT to over write the VOICE if you liked it but to move to another OTS position (1,2,3 or 4) if needed there and/or to another style. I do this with GUITAR voice sounds that I really like that I have come across is some of the newer styles.


The program is called OTS VIEWER and Jorgen needs help from someone with the Genos to update this program. No one has stepped up to help him it seems. But this is the link to the program. Keep checking back for an update to it.

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Hi all,
Once more - thank you for your assistance and help.