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[SOLVED] Transmit manually MIDI messages to PSR E203

Started by igorgallon, Feb 16, 2021, 09:28 PM

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Hi. I'm trying to build a MIDI Controller using an Arduino to my PSR E203. In the manual is indicated that is it possible to send and receive MIDI information through the MIDI OUT/MIDI IN. I connected a MIDI cable in the MIDI IN from the keyboard and to my Arduino circuitry and tried to send MIDI messages (note on/note off), expecting that the internal tone generator is able to reproduce them. But I didn't succeed.
When I connect the cable to MIDI OUT, I'm able to read the MIDI data sent from the keyboard when a key is pressed.
The "Local" is ON and "ExtClock" is OFF. I'm trying to send the following MIDI messages: 0x90, 0x3C, 0x50 (note on) and after a delay (500ms) I send 0x90, 0x3C, 0x00 (note off).
Is there any kind of setup message to send to the keyboard? Is it really possible to reproduce songs in this E203 using the MIDI IN?

The Arduino circuitry is attached. To receive MIDI data from the keyboard, I connected pin 5 to RX, and to transmit MIDI data to the keyboard I connect pin 5 to TX. The baud rate is 31250.

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You should be able to send MIDI Note On/Off data to the PSR-E203, but I have no idea about using an Arduino controller to do that.


Finally I figured out the problem: my MIDI cable was build with the pins 1, 4 and 2 (in other words, the pin 5 was disconnected). After rebuild the cable I was able to send MIDI messages to the keyboard successfully.


Hi --

I'm glad you found the problem! I saw your circuit diagram and everything looked OK.

I once got burned by incorrectly wired MIDI cables, too. They were cheap cables that connected 5-pin DIN to 3.5mm. The manufacturer claimed MIDI, but the wiring was completely incorrect. I check all unknown brand cables/adapters with a continuity checker to avoid such frustration.

BTW, there is some MIDI-related code in the Arduino section of my site: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Here's a simple sketch that might help testing, etc.:  Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

All the best -- pj