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Shadows guitar sound fades away.

Started by joner77778899, Feb 08, 2021, 05:36 PM

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Has anyone had the problem of the Shadows guitar sounds fading away when playing quicker notes.
I have tried not to hold previous played keys and play in stigatto method.
But I end up with a handful of very quiet sounds.
How can I adjust it out .



Have you tried adjusting the touch sensitivity of the keys.

Kind regards,



That particular Guitar is made to work that way and you have to look at it as plucking each string separately for full volume.


How can I change my style so as to pluck not strike.
Is there a setting? It's a shame because I do like playing the old Shadows music.


What I mean is that you have to play each note separately not holding on to the previous one for a clean sound.


Like many Super Art voices, it's designed to work that way.

To get the best out of these voices, you'll have to practise! You need to be able to develop a slight non-legato touch. That means that you're not playing totally smoothly, but with a tiny gap between the notes. For other sounds you need to play with a true legato feel - no gaps and no overlapping notes.

I build this into students' playing techniques from Day #1. Some teachers don't do this, and for those who teach themselves, it's easy to get into an overly legato touch. (And equally easy to get into a very non-legato touch!)

Definitely worth spending some time on, as the extra realism that the voices develop is very noticeable.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.