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I don’t understand the left voice

Started by mgbchuck, Feb 03, 2021, 09:01 AM

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Howdy.... Please forgive my ignorance.  Can someone direct me to information about the left voice.... what is it for.... and how to use it.  I know there is probably information in this site already.... I just can't find the basics of the left voice.
Thank you.... Chuck Lyons


Watch this video, I hope it will help you.

(Activate ENG subtitles)
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It is used to enhance playing left hand chords.


Firstly - to split the keyboard, for example playing bass on L and piano on R, probably without a style

Secondly - to layer a further sound over the auto-generated accompaniment when playing with a style.


Its an odd question, because it is pretty obvious. It lets you play notes below the split point when it is on. Otherwise these notes are totally silent. Many people want to add this facility. Whether you do or not is a choice.


Mike - left voice can also play above the split point.
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Quote from: ckobu on Feb 03, 2021, 11:24 AM
Mike - left voice can also play above the split point.
Chris - not sure what you mean?? It can play above the chord detection split point if you set the left /right chord detection split separately, but not above the left /right voice split point.

Rick D.


Watch Ckobu's Video it explains how to use it. I wish Ckobu spoke English, it would sure make his videos easier to follow. The subtitles work but it's not the same. I'm not even sure what language he is speaking. Maybe I should learn it!  He certainly knows a lot about these keyboards and adds a lot to this forum.

Rick D.


Rick - i would like to see that video, because I don't see how that is possible. Do you have a link?


Rick D - I live in Croatia and speak Croatian. I know it's harder to follow my video with subtitles but that's why I try to be as clear as possible in making the video.

Mike - I posted the video in my first post in the topic, and the exact explanation of how Left can be placed above the Style can be found from 05:20 sec

And after that, I explained to Trick how Left Voice can be stored in Registration without calling Style at the same time.
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Howdy..... what I found is that it works on some styles I set up and not others.  On some styles.... I cannot hear the left voice if the ACC. Accompany is on...... if I turn it off.... I hear the left voice.... but it disappears as soon as I turn the ACC back on.  Now other styles..... it works just fine.  What
Am I missing.


I will try to help with the video again.  :)
I think this has to do with the Style settings that are in the menu.
There are three statuses:
Off - no sound in the left hand
Style and Fix - the sound of the left hand is heard

These statuses are stored in registrations, so this only happens when Style is called with registrations.
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This video shows what I said. The Left voice plays below the set split point. This is of course the left/right voice split point.  The chord detection split for the style is typically set the same by most people but doesn't have to be. So yes the left voice can sound above the style set split, But not above the set voice split point.


Mike - We think in the same way but define the term Split differently. Anyway, it's important that we understand each other. Lyons got a precise answer but he is obviously interested in something else. I hope I guessed in my post above what exactly he means.
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The arranger is very flexible. There are many, many user controlled settings that you need to become familiar with. Registrations are a way of recalling these settings without individually setting them every time. But what is stored in these registrations is up to you - or whoever set up the registration. When you use someone else's registrations you are at the mercy of whatever they decided to store in it. As a further point, it is possible they did this on a different model and stored not only settings. but references to styles or voices that do not even exist on your model. Or even if they exist, are in a different place so it cannot be found. In this case the arranger might pick something different.  You have to be aware of this. It's a bit like someone saying the file you are looking for is in the third drawer on the left, and fourth folder from the front. But that only applies to their desk. Not yours!!


I should have also said in the previous post that the style and voice files are not actually stored in the registration. What stored is a file name and a location, so they can be found.


Nice trick.  Is there a way to create a registration which calls up a variation [Intro, A, B, C, D, etc.] without changing the style?

Fred Smith

Quote from: jsb1999 on Feb 04, 2021, 10:06 AM
Nice trick.  Is there a way to create a registration which calls up a variation [Intro, A, B, C, D, etc.] without changing the style?

Don't almost all registrations do what you ask? If you have variation A of style X playing in reg1, and you switch to variation B in reg2, the style hasn't changed.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Not sure what you mean, a variation is a style? If you are thinking that a registration can be set up to change variation regardless of what style you happen to be playing, then that is impossible.
This is getting a bit far away from original topic. If you have a further question on this you should start a different thread.


[what I found is that it works on some styles I set up and not others.  On some styles.... I cannot hear the left voice if the ACC. Accompany is on...... if I turn it off.... I hear the left voice.... but it disappears as soon as I turn the ACC back on.  Now other styles..... it works just fine.  What am I missing.]

I had this exact problem just a couple of weeks ago which was driving me crazy since I thought there was a problem with my Genos.  I kept digging and finally found that something had changed the split point for me which caused it to not work as you described.   



Yes, I was hoping a registration could change the Variation without changing the current style in the same way the original posters trick changes the Left Hand voice without changing the style.  Sounds like this is impossible.


Hi my friend,
left voice should be heard no matter if the ACMP is on or off as long you haven't change the split point with a registration while you are moving from style to style. 
I think you should just turn up the volume of the left voice so you can hear it when the style is playing or just choose another left hand voice.

As for what jsb1999 is asking for,
each one of the reg buttons(1-8) can have it's one settings that can be totally different from the previous one.
E.g.reg2 doesn't care what the settings of the reg1 are.
It does what you have programmed it to do:
"Play this style, in this variation,at this tempo,with these RH voices,with this LH voice, with these split points.Also play this multipad and transpose everything to +2 semitones."

Of course we can use the reg button buttons to change the variations of the same style instead of changing the variations by using just the style part buttons.
We just need to program the registration buttons this way.

Chuck I hope you don't referring to a pad and bass sound that we hear on the left part when the ACMP is on and the style doesn't play.
This is not what we call a left hand voice.
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Quote from: jsb1999 on Feb 04, 2021, 12:42 PM
Yes, I was hoping a registration could change the Variation without changing the current style in the same way the original posters trick changes the Left Hand voice without changing the style.  Sounds like this is impossible.

Not impossible at all. It is arguably one of the simplest things to program into a registration.
Although setting up and pushing a registration button just to change variation doesn't seem to be particularly useful when the keyboard already has a full set of  variation buttons to push dedicated to that function.  ;)


I believe you misunderstand what he wants to do.
He wants to program a registration to just change variations without specifying the style i.e. he would have a single registration that only changed the variation no matter what style he was playing. At least that is my understanding.
Not only can this not be done, but it would have little value as you say because you can easily change variation anyway.


Howdy... Let's see if I can explain this a little better. I am going in and programming a song with one touch settings. I am selecting my own voices for the one touch settings... And it is working just fine. I am then saving those as a registration. That seems to work perfectly fine. Once again... On some songs... I set up my one touch settings... And I can use the left voice... And it works just fine. Other songs... I swear I do the same thing... And I cannot hear the left voice at all. If I turn off the accompaniment button... I could hear the left voice coming through. But is soon as I push the accompaniment button back on... Which I'm going to need... I cannot hear the left voice. What is really puzzling... Is on some songs that I have set up the left voice and it comes to fine... On others it doesn't. I am stumped. I hope this makes sense.


Maybe you are getting confused about what saves in a registration, and what saves to a style.
The OTS settings are part of the style. You save OTS to the style. You can save a style to a registration and the OTS saved to that style will be what comes up.
You can also save voice settings to a registration, but these voices are  separate from the OTS voice settings which are saved to the style. So when you press the registration you will get the style you saved, but when you then press an OTS button you get whatever is saved to that style, regardless of what voices you saved in the registration.
I hope I am making sense.


Quote from: mikf on Feb 04, 2021, 06:51 PM
I believe you misunderstand what he wants to do.
He wants to program a registration to just change variations without specifying the style i.e. he would have a single registration that only changed the variation no matter what style he was playing. At least that is my understanding.

Hi Mike,
Yes I must admit I answered the question "as written" but had a feeling there must be more to it. Regs will only change variations on the reg-specified style and won't if the style name is left "open", even using so called tricks.


Quote from: mgbchuck on Feb 04, 2021, 08:29 PM
Howdy... Let's see if I can explain this a little better. I am going in and programming a song with one touch settings. I am selecting my own voices for the one touch settings... And it is working just fine. I am then saving those as a registration. That seems to work perfectly fine. Once again... On some songs... I set up my one touch settings... And I can use the left voice... And it works just fine. Other songs... I swear I do the same thing... And I cannot hear the left voice at all. If I turn off the accompaniment button... I could hear the left voice coming through. But is soon as I push the accompaniment button back on... Which I'm going to need... I cannot hear the left voice. What is really puzzling... Is on some songs that I have set up the left voice and it comes to fine... On others it doesn't. I am stumped. I hope this makes sense.

I think my answer in post # 2 is the solution to your problem. (05:57 sec) Why do I think so?
OTS does not affect the settings for Split Point Style or Left Voice. Therefore, in your case, OTS is not important because it cannot affect the problem that occurs.
Let's say Registration # 1 has Split Point in the same position for Style and Left Voice. Now Left Vocie is heard and that's what you expect.
But let's say Registration # 2 has different Split Point positions. Specifically, Left Voice is set above Style and in that case it will not be heard. The difference can only be one tone so you won't even notice it when you play your right hand.
When you turn off the ACMP button (this turns off Style), the range for Left Voice then stretches from the beginning of the keyboard and you now hear Left Voice.

So, check how the Split Point is set up at Registrations where you are not happy with Left Voice.
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Howdy... After spending a ton of time working on that left hand voice... I finally got it. Like several people had mentioned... It had to do with the split point. I finally got smart enough... Went into one of the songs that I had... Where the left voice worked... and copy down my split points. When I applied those split points to the new song I was working on... It worked just fine. It took me a long time... I guess I'm a slow learner... But I definitely appreciate everyone helping me. That's what is so great about this form with all of you experienced experts in there. I appreciate everyone taking the time to help me out .   

