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Is it worth it to upgrade?

Started by bormo, Jan 15, 2021, 02:45 AM

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Hi Folks,

I have an S950 since 2012 and very happy with the toy, my main usage of it is creating backing tracks for our Church's Worship singers, so the pattern I use is straightforward:

1. I create a chord sequence using "Song Creator" and save it
2. I meet a singer and choose a key for him/her
3. I record the track to USB and convert it to MP3

So I seldom use my right hand and rarely play live. Sometimes I use it as a piano on rehearsals.

Here are some examples: (Russian language) (some percussion added) (Clear PSR)
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The question - is it worth to upgrade to SX900? What I'll get?

Thank you


Hi Bormo: to answer your question: If it is worth: You will have to answer that for yourself!
What do I get: for that I can make a brief summary:

In fact there is new technology and overall better sound, e.g.:

  • Touchscreen
    Better keybed
    More expansion memory
    Chord Looper
    Style reset
    great speakers
    edit a song from the panel and save all changes,
    Joy- stick
    6 programmable buttons,
    3 voices, 3 split points
    Real Reverb +
    30 various user memories
You can now choose which novelties can tempt you to switch keyboards... or a SX700/SX600 or stay with the one you have?

Good luck with your considerations  ;)

PS.: your vid's sounds great. My compliments
My best regards,


It probably will not very noticeably change what you do, or the final sound of it. It's newer, has new features, touch screen - all listed on the post below. Whether they matter to you or if is is "worth it" is a very subjective decision, also dependent on what the change costs and how much the money matters to you.


Thank you guys for your replies,

One more question - did somebody tried to play/switch styles on PSR from DAW?

Thank you