SX700 Registration Issue on Recall

Started by dlepera, Jan 05, 2021, 07:28 AM

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I recently purchased Packages #12 and 14 and you have all put some great Styles, Regits and Pads in there. You people have done some fantastic work!
I am wondering if someone may be able to give me some assistance with registrations?   I have jumped from a simple Yamaha PSR EW140 to this new arranger keyboard and have a lot to learn of course.  Once thing I have been doing is playing around with files. manipulating their location, consolidating them and organizing them in what I think will work for me.  I have also added to this of files Regits and Pads from a website in Australia and they all seem to work well.   Now to the issue I am having.

1.  When I load any of you sytles,  in many cases I see 1 to about 4 blue lights come on the Registration memory section and they work as designed.
2.  so I then go and change things like Main variations and associated voices, add pads and then start to space those in registration memory in my own progression fashion.
3.  I then save the new Regit under a new name of course and things seem to be fine.  I can call them up at random ok.
4.  Also note that I have crated my own NEW BACK to zero out any regit memory back that I do not populate.
5. Now this is  where encounter my issue..  I turn the keyboard off and when I come back later I start to slect my REGIT with hope that all that was saved(on USER and USB1) is there.
6. Also note that when I did my memory saves all the key check marks were there so style was one of them of course and I blanked out my FREEZE(and it has been OFF as well)
7. My memory banks that were loaded before are still loaded fine with all the voices.  Pads I guess can not be saved for some reason as they do not get recalled even when I selected them.
8.  The STYLE is NOT populated.  I keeps the current style regardless of what Regits(of mine only) that I select/try to load.
9.  Those that are not mine, yours that is all work fine.

   Q1. So what am I doing wrong?      Q2. Is it okay to consolidate say all the BALLROOM styles from every folder and say Pack 12 & 14, Separate off the PADS and Regits for separate Folder?
   Q3. Should I just keep the Sytles with the Regits and Pads as they are in the inital state when I received the links to these Packs form Joe.
Thank you in advance.   dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Registration banks (or, more specifically, each registration within a registration bank) hold the absolute path to any used styles, multipads, MIDI songs, MP3 songs and text files specified within (if the corresponding setting was saved by selecting the tick mark). If the keyboard can NOT find the specified file - if it was moved to another directory, for example - the corresponding setting will not be changed (i.e., the currently selected style, multipad, etc. will not change).

Also of note: if you use more than one usb stick at the same time, the assigned drive letter might change each time the keyboard starts up, which will have the same effect (as the absolute paths stored include the drive letter).

My advice, therefore:
- Use a single pen-drive at a time
- If you move files around - and there are good reasons to do this - be prepared to edit and resave the registrations that use the moved styles/multipads/etc
- This process can be somewhat simplified and automated using PC-based utilities. One of the most widely used and recommended is "Yamaha Registration Manager" by Murray Best, which can be found here:


Fred Smith


When a style is "NOT populated", it means the keyboard can't find the style. So it makes no changes to the currently loaded style.

When this happens, you need to re-memorize the registration, telling it where the style is.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hello Andres and Fred.  Your are exactly correct... You response made me think of what I did that contributed to this issue... Something that I did not think it would happen with the keyboard.  I purchased a couple packs from this site, loaded some extra free styles and voices from here and from an Australian site.  So, I enjoyed  what I had and started creating my own regit entries. All was good for a while.  Then I got thinking since many of the Sytle categories like R&B, World, Jazz, Latin etc were looking redundant, and pads and regits were also intermixed, I starting to think that perhaps I should consolidate all the PADs, REGITs and SYTLEs  so then when I opened the R&B style folder for example EVERYTHING was in one place.  Nice right?  Maybe it is on a PC but learned the hard way and form your information that what I did should not be done unless I want to recreate all my Regit entries with the new paths(as you say).  So lucky for me I believe in backups of backups so I went back to my original usb layout that I had when I created the the regits and sure enough, all worked!!!!!!
    So many thanks to you both for your support and sure is nice to know that you folks know what you are talking about.   BTW, I did fire off an email to Yamaha Support Canada before I posted my issue here and their response was " Very strange, we suggest that you reset your keyboard".  Of course I did that but it did not  fix anything.
    Since I have have you, can I ask another registry related question?
  - When I save a selection to memory, say may have 5 banks each one loaded with Style, intro, OTS, main variation and PAD.  When I recall/load it back I get everything back as saved, the Pads is there but the selected Pad for each bank memory dose not illuminate to correspond withthe A,B,C,C,D section.  I have to manually assign while playing my song.  Is this the way it works?

  Again thank you!              dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Hi, Dom!

Glad I was able to help. Some aspects of the PSR-S*** keyboards are... tricky... and this is one of them.

Quote from: dlepera on Jan 05, 2021, 10:56 PM
    Since I have have you, can I ask another registry related question?
  - When I save a selection to memory, say may have 5 banks each one loaded with Style, intro, OTS, main variation and PAD.  When I recall/load it back I get everything back as saved, the Pads is there but the selected Pad for each bank memory dose not illuminate to correspond withthe A,B,C,C,D section.  I have to manually assign while playing my song.  Is this the way it works?

  Again thank you!              dom

I'm not sure I understand your question. If my answer is not pertaining, it was my fault  :). If I understand correctly, you want to load a specific MultiPad bank with your registration, and start playing it. Well, the first part (loading a registration bank) is not a problem, just make sure you save that to the registration. The second part... not so easy. When you save MultiPads as part of the registration, what gets saved is:

  • Selected MultiPad
  • Volume
  • Pan L <--> R)
  • Equalizer settings
  • Reverb
  • Chorus
  • Synch start on/off for each individual Multi-Pad
  • Audio Link simultaneous play on/off

That's it. Nothing more (nor less). So, the most you can get is to save the autoplay setting for the pads (selecting auto-play for the one you want, and saving it without playing first - the button must still be blinking whan you save), and let them fire off with your accompaniment.

If I answered the wrong question... just clarify and I'll try to address it.



Hello Andres... Almost got it.  LOL.  Le me articulate.  Keyboard Style is CanadianRock and Pad is Shaker and Tambourine. Now Style Congrol A is on and let's say Pad 1 is also on with INTRO 2 and One Touch Setting 3 are all one.  So we save this in Regit Bank 1.  I change those settings to whatever and save into Bank2, and do this for Bank 3 with changes as well. So when I go back I would expect(seems I may be incorrect) that when I select Bank1 "everything" is set... However, I see that PAD lights are all blue with no amber set, however it does retain the selected Shaker & Tambourine.  Bank 2 & 3 do not retain the One Touch Setting or the specific Pad number.  Tried saving the bank settings with and without the the style playing.  Not sure of the logic as to why "EVERYTHING" would not be saved. Would be very convenient to just select the required bank during play rather than to fiddle with bank, voice and pad.
    Regards. dom   
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!



Send me your reg bank and I'll check what settings have been saved.

One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

Check out my Registration Manager at:


If you want a certain multi pad to load when selecting registration then press the multi pad button you want and select Sync start button The pad will then flash Now save to registration.


Hello, You all have been great and soo helpful.  Eileen, you kind of got me going with the SYNC for a while as I see the Sync/Start/Select on the multipad but did not know that I had to HOLD that SYNC and the actual selected multipad button I wanted to save.  What a learning experience again!.  Now, it does what I was asking about. I have seen in the utube demos that light flashing orange and could not figure out how they did that, nor did I think it was necessary at my stage of progression on using this instrument which I have had since end of OCT early Nov/2020. Jumping from a PSREW410 is a big leap for me.. I am glad of course that I did this as this opens up a whole new world of opportunity, enjoyment and challenges as you have seen by my questions.
   This forum and people like yourselves so willing to help, makes it all worth it.  My hat goes off to all of you and hope that over time I do not waste your time with my questions and eagerness to expand my knowledge about arranger keyboards. This has been for me a big milestone as I have spend endless hours trying for figure  this whole thing out and have never spent soo much time on a computer to do so.
  So in short, I am very thankful to you all for your support, patience and understanding.   
        Best  Regards!!            dom .
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


You are very welcome Dom. Pleased to be of help to you.