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Control playback voices from midi sysex

Started by timb1970, Dec 25, 2020, 09:34 AM

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Morning everyone.

I am hoping that what I am trying to do is simple! Apologies if it has been asked before.

I play live performances on tyros 5, often with a midi track supporting. What I desire is the put in sysex control events in to the midi which do a limited number of things:

1. Select registration memory 1-8 respectively;

2. Select left/right1-3 on and off;

3. Select and voice the style base; and

4, control style events such as start stop, breaks etc

I have done this for years by passing midi A out to midi B in and setting the mfc 10 configuration to listen on midi B in ... but now with more complex setup I want to have broader control of the playback sound and remove the limit of 8 registration memories. And generally to control more such as dynamic volume phrasing in the registration.

I THINK the I just need to find the right sysex values!!  But maybe I am underestimating what I am trying to do here?

All help greatfully received.

Tim Butterworth


For this purpose I use "Midi Event Processor plus" from "Midi Solutions".
All the MFC10 midicommands can be done by this and sysex in midifile.
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee


Great thanks so much - I will investigate - is there a resources I can go to which lists the full midi sysex values to send as 'our' from the midi event controller?


Ok - just an addition here to clarify what I am wanting to achieve. I have just attempted something but it is NOT doing what I am looking for here;

SO: I just recorded a new mid song - making carious registration changes both by selecting registration memories and ALSO making manual sound selections for left, r1-3 and style bass.

When I play back that midi - great is SOUNDS as a complete replica of everything I did - the registrations are all changed: BUT

If I then play along over the top of the midi file to accompany it, the registrations change to the voice on L, R1-3 and Style Bass are NOT being actioned, even though I can see the the sysex commands in the midi file. Whatever registrations are set in these sections at the start of playing remain through my playback.

What I am wanting to achieve is that the midi file CONTROLS and CHANGES the voices in the different sections as I am playing. Ideally I want to do that BOTH by the use of registration memories but more ideally by direct sysex commands to set the voices in the 5 sections.

So for example I am looking to send a series of commands from within the the midi that will action for me, on the keyboard, for the PLAYED sound during my live performance to for example:

1. Set Left to strings;
2. Set right 1 to Piano
3. Set right 2 to flute
4. Set right 3 to organ
5 Set style bass = double bass

In addition:

1. Set left On
2. Set R1 On
3. Set R2 On
4 Set R3 OFF
5 Set style bass rel time

The key is that I am trying to control this for my performed played notes on the instrument changed dynamically;

Can it be done?


It is also possible to record the left+R1>R3 in the midifile by
activating "Keyboard Voice" in the setup-dialog before saving the file in the "Song Creator".
It is convinient to make registrations first and activate those registrations as many times
as need while recording in "Song Creator".
Every time you want to change press "pause" activate the desired registration
and repeat this as many times as you need.
When finished don't forget : "SetUp Execute" and "Save".
Unactivate "Keyboard Voice" when finished to avoid the surprise
that Left+R1>R3 will be recorded in the midifile without your consent.
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee


Great - many thanks Eddy - that 99% gives what I am looking for. Basically fir longer arrangements and medleys, I can now have many more keyboard registrations than being limited to 8 registration memories and can fade registrations in by executing this method every best of a bar or so with volume changes where I want it. Great thanks. I had some fun with octave shifts on registrations I had set up already where I had used right octave shifts up and down ... but by resetting this in the registration memories that was sorted.

Not critical - but one last question - I use Cubsse 10. If I import the saved midi file, I can see that the tyros has inserted a long meta entry in to the midi sysex ... am I able to view and edit that in Cubase?



Hello Tim,
glad it worked out for you.
I don't know Cubase , I use a DAW (Sonar) most for audio editing.
The only thing I do with midi in Sonar is adding lyrics.
For other midi editing I use "MixMaster", "XG Works" and PSRUTI.
In MixMaster  the event  "Keyboard Voice" can easily be deleted or moved to an other MBT.
Some editing programs delete or replace midi events autom. , often not desired,
therefore check the "Preferences" from those programs.
For example: in PSRUTI you can choose to autom. delete events that are not know by your KBD.
I de-activated this to avoid deleting events that I added for use with the Midi Processor.
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee