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Tyros 5 and Audacity

Started by chesterkins, Dec 14, 2020, 03:23 PM

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Does anyone have any experience of importing and exporting files between T5 and Audacity   
Can you import files and add new tracks using the multitrack  and how do you do it?
Any advice or pointers please


Audacity is a very handy program but I suggest you try using Cakewalk by BandLab. He is also free. In this video you can see how to transfer data to a computer (01:36) and how to enter it into Cakewalk. I explain on the example of one Style but the same principle is for a MIDI or Audio file.
Watch my video channel


Thanks for this ,but I am collaborating with 2 other people and they are using Audacity  so I have to comply
As the tyros imports WAV files and converts them into AUD files on board its the same as Audacity so that is why I thought it must be possible to do the same with Multitrack
Its just finding instructions!!


Quote from: chesterkins on Dec 14, 2020, 03:23 PM
Does anyone have any experience of importing and exporting files between T5 and Audacity   
Can you import files and add new tracks using the multitrack  and how do you do it? ...

Quote from: chesterkins on Dec 14, 2020, 05:20 PM
... I am collaborating with 2 other people and they are using Audacity  so I have to comply
As the tyros imports WAV files and converts them into AUD files on board its the same as Audacity so that is why I thought it must be possible to do the same with Multitrack
Its just finding instructions!!

Hi chesterkins,

the AUD format of the Tyros5 (which is used for Audio Multi Recording on the Tyros5) has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Audio Editor program "Audacity".

Tyros5 "normal" Audio Recording:
You can record a WAV file on the Tyros5 when you are NOT in Multi Track mode. You will find the recorded WAV file(s) in the ROOT directory of the internal hard drive (HD1). And you can play back a WAV file as well in the same mode (from the internal hard drive or directly from a USB Stick).

With the program "Audacity" you can (among others) import and edit WAV files. And you can export in WAV format of course (or in several other Audio formats, e.g. MP3). You can also use Audacity for recordings using the Line Input of the computer or (better) an external Audio Interface. And, if desired, you can record (or import) multiple Audio Tracks into Audacity. After editing this "Multi Track" recording you can save your work as an Audacity "Project" and/or export it as a (single) Stereo WAV file, if desired.

Tyros5 Audio Multi Recording:
If you want to use a given WAV file on Tyros5 for MULTI RECORDING (to add a second Audio track, e.g. vocals), you have to IMPORT the WAV file in Multi Recording mode. Then you can use that WAV file as the MAIN track and add another recording to the SUB track.

Your Multi Track Recording project (on Tyros5) is saved in the so called "AUD" format. But this is NOT a FILE format (like a WAV file): Each individual Multi Track Recording project is saved to a FOLDER inside a hidden folder called "AUDIOREC.ROOT" in the ROOT directory of the Tyros5 hard disk.

You CAN use the USB Storage Mode to look inside the "AUDIOREC.ROOT" folder on the Tyros5's hard disk from the computer. ("Show hidden files and folders" must be enabled on the computer!)

You will find several files in each of the subfolders of the "AUDIOREC.ROOT" folder: Among others, you can access the WAV files of each AUD project directly this way. But be aware: DO NOT CHANGE anything inside the "AUDIOREC.ROOT" folder from the PC! Otherwise you may not be able to open your original Multi Track recording on Tyros5 later.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris  Thanks Its now starting to come clearer       So if I have a WAV file from my collaborators  containing drum,bass and rhythm guitar tracks  I can import this into the Tyros  multitrack mode and ADD an Organ track as a sub track ,save and export
Am i right?
Can I hear the original imported track(s) as I am playing the new track?


Quote from: chesterkins on Dec 15, 2020, 05:07 AM
Hi Chris  Thanks Its now starting to come clearer       So if I have a WAV file from my collaborators  containing drum,bass and rhythm guitar tracks  I can import this into the Tyros  multitrack mode and ADD an Organ track as a sub track ,save and export
Am i right?
Can I hear the original imported track(s) as I am playing the new track?

Hi chesterkins,

yes, of course you can listen to the Main track in Audio Multi Track mode while recording the Sub track.

When you have finished a Multi Track recording, you can export it in WAV format (which contains both the Main and the Sub track). This function is called "MIXDOWN" (page 81 of the Tyros5 Reference Manual).

First please read the complete section "Audio Recorder/Player" in the Reference Manual (starting from page 76).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris  Thanks again
I am going to try it tomorrow
May I come back for further advice if need be please
(By the way my name is Chris too)


Hi chesterkins,
it would be good to suggest to friends to take advantage of a much better way of sharing music. I'm going back to BandLab again, watch the video. This is also free and among other things, there are options you need to share music.
Watch my video channel


Thanks   Will consider next time around    We are already half way through this project I just need to vocals and organ