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Theatre registrations

Started by RobertM, Dec 12, 2020, 10:59 AM

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Hello everyone,
Can anyone suggest some theatre organ voice combinations using the new theatre voices on the SX900 please. I see there are some theatre styles, but would like to have some other alternatives.


Hello RobertM
I know Eileen produced a set of theatre organ files to download, for the Tyros5. I looked yesterday 15th Dec but couldn't find it. I know they will work on the SX900, but unfortunately I don't have a copy. Might I suggest you do a search or try contacting Eileen?
Sorry i cant help further.


Hello meyrick,
Thank you for your reply, it seems we have similar interests in view of your thread on Twin setups.
I have one set of Eileen's Organ styles but can't remember if they are for the T5, so will try to contact as you suggest.
Judging from the number of views there is an interest in theatre still, and must admit I only noticed the new voices recently, after using the SX900 for over a year!


 I made two you can try

One is a Christmas type march, that I used for "Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers", and the other is for a General March/Polka type genre

They both contain pads so if you want them activated, insure pads are checked in your registration setup.

Like most organ type sounds, they sound best played in the upper octave section of the keyboard

  Happy Holidays

[attachment deleted by admin]
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


Thanks Larry and meyrick, I'll give them a try over the weekend.


Thanks again meyrick, Larry and Eileen those styles are just what I was looking for. Larry's two work beautifully with Kaiser Bill's Batman!
Merry Christmas,