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A way to use GM voices inside Ensemble parts

Started by Francesco Massa, Nov 29, 2020, 06:21 AM

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Francesco Massa

Hi friends,
is there a way to edit an .ENV file to "unlock" all the other preset/expansion voices? For example manually changing LSB/MSB of the linked voices into the .ENV file overwriting them with other ones that are not available on Genos default library?

EDIT: I've found a way to merge GM voices in Ensemble parts via MIDI. I set Genos MIDI receive channels like this:
Port1 Ch1 - Left
Port1 Ch2 - Right1
Port1 Ch3 - Right2
Port1 Ch4 - Right3

Next step: with Reaper MIDI control plugin I've selected the MSB 109 (Ensemble Voices Bank) and LSB 0. Now, if I change the program from 0 to 127, I have all GM voices inside the Ensemble parts ;)
As you can see on the attached picture, icon and name of the "intruder" voice are not available and replaced with a generic piano image, but all parameters work good.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Francesco,

an .ENV file is not a (MIDI file based) Voice Set file like e.g. a .VCE file. In contrast, an .ENV file is something like a Registration file. But obviously it is also different to the .RGT format. Unfortunately, I don't know in which way an .ENV file could be opened or edited.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I think the idea was to give us a selection on voices that suited Ensemble which as you know you can mix and edit within the programme.


That's very interesting! Thanks for the tip.
Perhaps we can try the same but with custom voices?
Genos 2, Korg PA5X, Ketron EventX, Nord PedalKeys27