INTRO more than 32 measures using Style Works, Mix Master and KB Style Creator

Started by Misu, Nov 17, 2020, 05:22 AM

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My first style with a Intro bigger than 32 was a success.
Yamaha keyboards are in fact limited on Intro by number of notes and memory for these.
Even for 32 measures it is possible to don't have enough memory if all 16 tracks are full of information's.
With a good midi I made fast 2 intros A (32 measures) & B (25 measures) with Style Works.
For this midi I already have style so I will use that style.
Go in Style Editor of SW or in Style Creator of KB and erase everything except MainA IntroA & IntroB.
Open on Mix Master the style push <Notes> and on the window you will have all notes for these 3 sections MainA – IntroA –IntroB.
Look for the marker INTRO B and delete. Save the style.
Go with the style on Keyboard – Style creator and you will see Intro A: 57 measures.
The style works but:
Problems after:
1.   When I try to change things – message no memory – I erase one track (not important for me) –problem solved.
2.   My style doesn't have drums – I tried to copy from the style already prepared – same message no memory – I made a copy of that drum on Main A and here I made a short edit erasing few notes (fuss). After I copied this drum to the Intro – problem solved – no messages.
Now in order to have a complete sty you have 2 solutions:
1.   Copy entire style, except Intro A of course, to this <57M Intro A style>.
2.   On Mix Master prepare (with copy and paste, inside of Intro A, better is to have only drums) the main style to have an Intro A with 57 measure and after copy here your Intro.
Hope to help someone.
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Thanks for the advice. I never needed more than 16 (:-)) bars in an intro. But it is good to know that there is that option as well.
Another idea comes to my mind that may be simpler to implement.
When Style has twice the tempo value and plays at the same speed, we could practically get 64 bars in the intro. Of course, there would still be physically 32 bars, but there would be twice as much information.

Here you can see how in a few steps Style can be rearranged into a different number of strokes, while remaining the same speed.
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