Playing a midi file from PSR-S910 with an XF8. Need to remap sounds?

Started by madoues, Oct 25, 2020, 05:46 PM

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Say I record a midi file with my PSR-S910 using accompaniment and then take that file and play it on my XF8.
Will the XF8 have the same sounds as the PSR?

In other words;
Are Yamaha sounds from the PSR series the same as the XF series?
If they have many of the same sounds, do these sounds have the same names & numbers?
There will likely be more sounds on the XF, but are the sounds of the PSR included in the XF?
Or are the sounds completely different and each sound needs to be reviewed and repatched?

I am not talking about GM sounds, just the normal sound patches in the PSR.






Hi Dan,

MIDI files created on the S910 are in XF format, but this "XF" VOICE STANDARD has nothing to do with the letters "XF" in the names of Yamaha Synths like Motif XF or MOXF.

In theory, such XF MIDI files can also played back on a GM MIDI sound generator, but usually with reduced sound quality, i.e. "other" sounds.

Yamaha Synths are NOT XF compatible. If you play back an XF file on a Motif XF or a MOXF, to my knowledge, the internal GM Voice Bank is automatically used (MSB=0, LSB=0).

If you want to use Voices of the Preset or User Voice Banks of a Motif XF / MOXF (MSB=63, LSB=0 ... 11) in a XF MIDI file, you have to revoice the MIDI file with this new Voices (changing MSB, LSB, ProgramChange values). Please refer to the Voice Lists in the Data List of the Synth in question (and in the Data List of the S910 of course).

But note: XF MIDI files contain also many Effect settings (Controller/SysEx). A Yamaha SYNTH will not be able to do anything with many of these XG Effect settings, so that you may have to completely reprogram the desired Effects on/for the Synth.

Revoicing a MIDI file is to do relatively easy with the PC (Windows) program "Midifile Optimizer XI", developed by the German company "Midiland". The "Optimizer" supports e.g. Genos, SX900, S970, ..., S910, and also the Motif XF, but NOT the MOXF, MODX or the MONTAGE. (See also the attached picture.)
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Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



To answer your 'in other words' questions:


So you'll have to remap the sounds and when you do, remember that they still won't be the same sounds as the PSR. It's a lot of inserting programme change and bank select messages, but it will make you fully explore the best sounds on the synth, which is never a bad thing. Given that it is a synth, you have the power to shape the sounds, so you might end up with something that you like the sound of, perhaps more so than the PSR. Who knows? You'll only find out when you dig in and try! :)
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


The basic off all psr tyros and geos models got the same xg basic voice set
the betters models got a lot of extra voices
Special the mega voices got a different structuur
There are extra little high notes to activate those effects
By converting down a recorded song with mega voices
They leave the little notes behind
the little hight notes disrupt the sound
The only way is to remove the little high notes


Many thanks for the replies.
Very good information too.

So I'll have to remap the sounds. OK, I'll bite the bullet.  ;)

I'll be looking at the Optimizer.




Quote from: madoues on Oct 29, 2020, 11:50 AM
Many thanks for the replies.
Very good information too.

So I'll have to remap the sounds. OK, I'll bite the bullet.  ;)

I'll be looking at the Optimizer.


Hi Dan,

thanks for your feedback!

You can download a DEMO version of the "Optimizer XI" here:
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The DEMO version includes most functions of the FULL (payed) version, but you cannot save the edited MIDI file.

Note: In any case, you must connect your keyboard to the PC via MIDI / USB-MIDI. Go to menu "Options > Show settings > MIDI > Output" to select your Instrument and the correct MIDI Out Port.

If the GUI should be displayed in German, go to the menu "Einstellungen > Einstellungen zeigen"). There you can switch the GUI language to English.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


To: Overover:
"The DEMO version includes most functions of the FULL (payed) version, but you cannot save the edited MIDI file."

Installed it on Windows 10 and all I get is "Dongle not found" error, program just crashes after this.
Does this program require a Dongle?




Quote from: madoues on Oct 30, 2020, 01:34 PM
To: Overover:
"The DEMO version includes most functions of the FULL (payed) version, but you cannot save the edited MIDI file."

Installed it on Windows 10 and all I get is "Dongle not found" error, program just crashes after this.
Does this program require a Dongle?


Hi Dan,

you have installed the FULL version (the upper link on that site). The FULL version of the "Optimizer" requires a USB Dongle.

Please install the DEMO version which is linked a little further down on the Midiland site. (Or just click here: :) )
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)