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Starting new setup

Started by ekurburski, Oct 23, 2020, 07:48 PM

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Well, I went out today and bought a usb cable to hook up my 3000 to my laptop.  I also reviewed the chapter on MIDI for the 3000 in the manual. I see where I need a MIDI driver for the keyboard.  What is it's name and where do I get it?  I want to set up OpenText with songs to play on keyboard and possibly play some vst's as well.  I have been messing around with this stuff for years but have never gotten it set up  to work.  Setting around with the covd 19 shutting everything down I figure this is good time to get it all up and running.  I have several pieces of equipment and software but have never gotten them to work together.  Equipment: PSR 740, PSR3000, M Audio Oxygen 49, Fast track audio interface, M-audio Pro interface, MOTF 8in 8 out interface (never used). Reaper, BIAB,Dexed, Pro Tools (PC) and several other things I bought and did't ever get to work thru the years.  So, the problem is, where do I go from here?

Fred Smith

With respect to OpenText, you don't need a driver. You need to connect your keyboard to the PC, typically with a midi to USB cable.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Wow, thanks for the quick reply Fred.  I will try the hookup first thing tomorrow.  heck, if I get just this working I'll be miles ahead of where I've been!


Quote from: ekurburski on Oct 23, 2020, 07:48 PM
Well, I went out today and bought a usb cable to hook up my 3000 to my laptop.  I also reviewed the chapter on MIDI for the 3000 in the manual. I see where I need a MIDI driver for the keyboard.  What is it's name and where do I get it?  I want to set up OpenText with songs to play on keyboard and possibly play some vst's as well.  ...

Hi Earl,

which "USB cable" did you buy?

The easiest way is to use a "USB type AB cable", also known as "Printer cable" (USB A plug to USB B plug):

- First connect this USB cable to the USB-to-Host socket of the PSR-3000, and connect the other side to a USB A socket of the computer.

- Download and install the Yamaha "USB-MIDI Driver". Note: Use the correct version (64-bit or 32-bit, depending on your Windows system).
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- On the PSR-3000, press "Function > MIDI" and select the Preset MIDI template "Song". This will automatically set all Transmit Channels of the Port "MIDI / USB 1" to Song channels 1–16.

- Alternatively you could also select the Preset MIDI template "All Parts" (which is standard), but press "EDIT" in MIDI display, tab to "TRANSMIT", got to the PART "SONG 1" and change its "CHANNEL" to "MIDI / USB  CH 1".  This is the relevant MIDI (Transmit) Channel to control "Open Text" using Control Change and Program Change messages in MIDI files played back on the PSR. (To SAVE a modified MIDI template press "Exit", then tab to "USER" and  SAVE the template there, using a different filename.)

- Important: The Yamaha USB-MIDI Driver offers only ONE Transmit Port (Digital Workstation 1) but TWO Receive Ports (Digital Workstation 1 & 2). In your case, simply select "Digital Workstation (1)" as MIDI Input Port ("Instrument") in "OpenText":

- Now you can generate so called "Dummy MIDI files" using "Open Text" (or add the relevant MIDI command to existing, "normal" MIDI files) and memorize them to your Registrations, in order to control the PDFs displaye via "Open Text". (Please refer to the "OpenText" Manual!)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Winter has arrived early in North Central Arkansas.  It's cold!  And why is that important?  Well, I have the kb set up in an attached office to the house and its not heated.  So its to darn cold to work out there.  I took a space heater out there yesterday afternoon so I hope it will warm it enough for me to check things out.  Thanks to both of you for your answers.  I bought  a printer cable so I have the right cable.  I will try Freds answer first and if that doesn't work I will then go for adding the MIDI driver.



Quote from: ekurburski on Oct 25, 2020, 02:36 PM
... I bought  a printer cable so I have the right cable.  I will try Freds answer first and if that doesn't work I will then go for adding the MIDI driver. ...

Hi Earl,

Fred was talking about a "MIDI to USB cable". This is a cable with two DIN MIDI plugs at one end and a USB A plug on the other end:

In fact, such a "cable" is an external MIDI Interface. And most of the current MIDI Interfaces do NOT need a special Driver if used on a current Windows or Mac computer.

If you don't use a MIDI Interface (cable) but directly connect the keyboard to the PC using a "Printer cable", it is strongly recommended to install the "Yamaha USB-MIDI Driver", as mentioned before.

NEWER Yamaha Arranger keyboards are "USB-MIDI Class Compliant", and you could try if the USB-MIDI connection works also WITHOUT installing the Yamaha Driver. But for the PSR-3000 I would install the Yamaha USB-MIDI Driver in any case.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


  So, I wonder.  would I be better off going with an audio interface to do what I{ want to do?  Besides running Opentext I would like to also be able to run a couple of vsts at the same time off the same laptop.