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Issue with installing pack into yem

Started by shneurslonim, Oct 08, 2020, 10:51 AM

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i'm having an issue with installing a pack my friend made for me
it's in ppf and is says it starts normalizing the pack and then suddenly there's an error that say's "An error occurred and data could not be imported"
and i can't figure out why

i thought maybe he has a different yem version then me so i got a few older version downloads and tried it and the same thing happened
i cannot think of anything else

please try to help in any way you can

attached is a picture of the error

thank you

[attachment deleted by admin]


Well .. it sounds like the pack that your friend made has a fault with it. Ask them for a new copy.


Hi shneurslonim,

ask your friend which YEM version he used to create the Pack and to save the .ppf file.

Files that were saved with very old YEM versions may no longer be compatible with newer versions (2.3.0 - 2.7.0).

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


So that's a good point as I said before
I downgraded to the same version he used to export it

So I think there's another issue with it

If you have any other ideas please share it would be greatly appreciated


If not done so, create a new, empty Pack and try to import the .ppf as "Content" into this Pack.

If this doesn't work, ask you friend for a new file. If you get a ZIP or RAR file, make sure to use a current program for extracting. I recommend "7-zip" (v19.00 or v20.02 alpha):
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


So i tried importing as data into a new expansion pack and this error came (attached)

the pack came in a zip folder so i just extracted it through the folder extracting feature


I had an issue with a commercial Pack ("Drums Vol. 1") from the German Company "CMS Sounddesign". Originally the Pack came in .ppf format. Starting from a certain YEM version, this Pack cannot be imported properly.

My workaround: I used a backup of the YEM user folder, where this CMS Pack was already installed. Then I splitted the Pack: One Pack contains all the Voices now, the second Pack contains all the Registrations.

I don't know why, but now I can Import one of these Packs using "Import Pack" and add the content of the other Pack using "Import Content". :)

The manufacturer could not help me in this case, but I can live with the mentioned workaround...

If the Pack in question contains not only Voices, you could ask your friend to SPLIT the Pack as I described above: One Pack with Voices only, one Pack with all other files.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


so my friend made a few new copies trying different methods and the same error still appears

and when he tried to load the same file ppf of the pack he sent me it worked for him to import it without an error

can someone help me with another idea



Same situation happened to me with a CPF from dealer, I didn't found solution, and that normalization, on personal pack, destroy me a very large amount of work (21 styles)
Luckily I kept the original work out of the pack and I start to fix again the pack.
I didn't tried to erase YEM completely(and the history from user) and install again everything (N27 also) but I will do, searching for the solution.
I blind solution is to load and save on YEM all packs that you have every month to don't become too old.
I consider this just another usual Yamaha reason to joy.
If you work one year to finish a pack, why to don loose everything next year, with the new version of YEM or who knows why.
Happy as well!

PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Try uninstalling YEM.
Before that, back up the data as described in the video.
Install the latest YEM from the beginning, enter the Target instrument and first try to type ppf from a friend to see if it will still show an error.
Watch my video channel


I guess the problem is related to interference with other packs that are available in your YEM, or even with packs that have been imported previously and have been deleted in the mean-time. You could indeed try to start from scratch Like ckobu suggests or you could use Vali's YEM Content Explorer to start with a clear environment (the program also allows you to first create a backup of your current environment), see this forum for more info about his tool. Other workarounds: your friend can zip the content of the PPF (I mean the separate voices, styles, etc) so that you can create the ppf yourself, or you can send your instrument file (n27) to your friend so that he can create a PPI file that you can load in your keyboard.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


I have made a quick update to my YEM-CE, which will scan User's installation folder and detect unwanted folders.
As long as I modified some code inside my app, I want some testers for this quick update.

Please PM for download link. (link will be deleted after feedback is positive)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos



Happy to tell, that after one year, I have again access to supplier CPF packs.
1. Erase (uninstall) completely YEM (including his directory from USER).
2. Install new YEM on computer.
3. Import a fresh N27 file from the keyboard to YEM.
Doesn't matter why, works.
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


Quote from: ckobu on Oct 20, 2020, 01:25 AM
Try uninstalling YEM.
Install the latest YEM from the beginning, enter the Target instrument and first try to type ppf from a friend to see if it will still show an error.

Great news, Mish.
Reinstalling a fresh installation helps many times, from Windows to YEM.  :D

Who would know why you shouldn't look for reasons. It is important that it works properly again.
Watch my video channel


I'm truly agree with you, both Misu and ckobu.
What if you don't have backup on user's folder and no backup of installed PPFs/CPFs? :)

There is a bug in YEM; I spoke with C. Vatamanu, as well (Misu knows him, C. Vatamanu is Yamaha demonstrator and content builder in Romania for Yamaha), he asked me if I encountered this error and asked me if I can have a look to see what's going on with this problem... I solved it that time and I saw what was going on. Seems YEM does not deleted garbage data when some error was encountered on import process. Now, YEM-CE is doing this in the simplest way, no need for users to have extra knowledge :)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos