
Started by mikf, Apr 12, 2020, 02:21 PM

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i am thinking of buying Cubase. How easy is it to use for final editing of a midi file. Do  you transfer midi files on usb pen drive or connect it to the keyboard. I have a CVP705.
What version do I need.


Phew @Mike, if you want to spend a lot of time working with a DAW, it can give you a lot of fun or you can see it as an inquisitive challenge. You should think in months rather than weeks. There is much to learn in that area. Take a look at some tutorials on the internet (keywords: cubase, midi) to get a picture for yourself. You could also start with a free DAW (eg Cakewalk) or a Demo version of Cubase. Fortunately, there is a lot to be found on the internet. But, as I indicated, you have to invest a lot of time in order to / want to use it. It also depends on exactly what you want with midi. Sometimes a DAW is useful, but there are other programs that work with MIDI. Only you can decide if you want to go a specific way?
My best regards,

Joe H


One forum member told me there is a steep learning curve to Cubase. I suggest doing a search on the forum for Cubase.  There has been a lot of posts about... mostly people having trouble with it. In the early days; Cubase was just a MIDI sequencer and not a Digital Audio Workstation.  It was much simpler. If you can find an earlier version (maybe on eBay) it might be easier to learn.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I'd definitely suggest you make the most of the free trial before deciding. If you just want to import a midi file, edit it and save it again, you can focus directly on accomplishing that. Everything else (VST instruments and effects, audio recording and editing, mixing etc etc) will be there if you want to give that a look too, but it won't need to get in the way of your midi work.
By way of alternatives, I haven't used Cakewalk for many years, but I understand that's free now. And there's also a free version of Tracktion Waveform.


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Another free DAW is Sound Bridge.
It's free so no harm done.
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


I have Cubase Elements and haven't had any troubles using it; but then I've dabbled with a number of DAWs, so that might help. If you're already able to get around pretty well in a DAW, then I would imagine that Cubase shouldn't be too difficult to wrap your head around.

The one area where I've heard Cubase be criticized the most is in relation to needing a dongle for every edition above Elements, as well as problems people have run into with license codes when they've tried to upgrade their version or move it to a different hard drive. I have no experience with the dongle, since Elements doesn't require it, but what I found when upgrading or migrating Cubase is that you do need to follow the steps carefully or you'll have trouble.

On the other hand, I also know firsthand that different DAWs can vary a great deal as to how easy or difficult they are to use for certain things.

My advice would be to start with the free trial of Cubase Elements, which I think is the only edition with a free trial (due to the security dongle needed for the other editions). Cubase Elements may well do all that you need, but you can study the comparison chart to see how it stacks up against the other editions.

As for MIDI editing, I think it's generally best to take the MIDI file you've saved on your keyboard and import (load) it into your DAW of choice for further editing, simply because that takes care of any issues related to the initial setup of the voices and effects.


Did you purchase Cubase?
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


No. I went off the idea.


Well have you found a Replacement?
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6