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Midi to Text?

Started by Xenon80, Sep 15, 2020, 07:02 AM

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Do you know any tool which can convert MIDI data to text?
I found one internet site, but 1) I don't like its output format and 2) I need some offline tool anway.

My wish would be:
- note start (e.g. 0005.01.01.00)
- length of note (e.g. 0001.00.00)
- note (e.g. F#5)
- velocity (e.g. 100)

I created an AHK script for my DAW which selects notes and copies all necessary information,
but it takes very long and is not that reliable!

I also have MixMaster, but there I cannot copy/export anything to text.

The last tool found is some really old DOS tool, which did not work on Windows 10.

P.S: Could I also manage it with an HEX editor or do some binary file read with AHK?

Thanks for any help!


Try GnMidi it is freeware




Why don't you use sequencer software
Go to the piano track editor
The notes are displayed as black  stripes
You can alter the lengt, startpoint, the tone pitch or paint new notes



MixMaster -> ListView -> In event type select Note Events -> in Channel select the channels you want. -> Update
In the DataList select the notes you want to put into text -> Menu Edit -> Copy selected event listings to clipboard
Open Notepad and do a Paste.

In attachment an example of the result


[attachment deleted by admin]
If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.
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Quote from: Janus on Sep 15, 2020, 07:43 AM
Try GnMidi it is freeware


GnMidi is freeware? I thought the demo version was free but you must buy a license for the full, registered version? Mind you, it's very inexpensive-- but not free, is it?


Try to find an old version these versions are free
I use this for almost 10 years


Thank you for your great support!

Funny, I work with the ListView of MixMaster quiet often (e.g. to change channels using an AHK script),
and also tried copying events (Ctrl+C), but nothing happened when pasting it in an editor.
I thought "Copy selected Event Listings to Clipboard" was the same as Ctrl+C, but I was wrong :o
So for my purposes MixMaster should be fully enough.

P.S: I will keep GnMidi in mind, though.

Best regards!


Another free tool is midicsv and csvmidi.
I'ts a command line tool for Linux and Windows.
Info for midicsv can be found here: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
Windows download is here: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login



This is the installed dir
Start with gnmidi.exe in the dir
Convert midi to text-text to midi
and a lot of other tools
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I use it on win 7 with no trouble for 10 year
After test it on win 10 it stops
the program is found by the maker and works no more on win 10
version is to old