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String bending

Started by Senn5, Aug 26, 2020, 07:19 PM

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Not sure what setting I have to change but when I first got this sx900 when I played various accoustic guitars it would appear to bend the notes.  Example of hitting a c and then move up the keyboard and second note seemed to stretch the string to that note.
I seemed to have lost this as I can't get it to do it anymore.
If memory serves e correct there was a setting in keyboard to force it to to this.
Any help is much appreciated...:)
Thanks in advance.



My bad.....:)
Just found out I have to have a style playing first before the articulation will work.


It shouldn't have anything to do with playing the style.

This should trigger when you have one note held down, then press another note quite firmly just as you release the first one. It doesn't trigger on all intervals though.

Joe H

Portamento works only when the Voice is set to Mono.

Joe H
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Lucille Chung

Also it seems that if you set the Portamento time to 127 (max), it doesn't work.   126 is fine though.    At least in NylonGuitarSlide


Also remember that you only have super articulation 1 on SX900. This dose not need the style going to work.


Thanks so much for the replies. I think I'm slowly catching on to this thing....:)
Lucille, how do i find this setting you are talking about "set the Portamento time to 127 (max), it doesn't work.   126 is fine though."?



Quote from: Lucille Chung on Aug 27, 2020, 06:26 PM
Also it seems that if you set the Portamento time to 127 (max), it doesn't work.   126 is fine though.    At least in NylonGuitarSlide

You shouldn't need to use Portamento for the guitars that are called slide guitars. They will slide whenever you hit the key with sufficient velocity.

Lucille Chung

Hi Senn5,

The portamento can be activated by going into Menu/Voice Edit, changing the voice to Mono, and adding a portamento time.     This is not activated by default on Steel Guitar Slide and Nylon Guitar Slide.

The mono/portamento menu line items are on the second (down) screen, so it's easy to miss.