Songbook+ ... wants more money +++$$$+++

Started by Pino, Jul 27, 2020, 09:04 AM

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I had a gig the other night and set up as usual,
When I opened my IPad sheet music in SongBook+ all the sheets had disappeared and a notice that my 5 years was up and as I had opted for the new update they wanted $50 more for the next 5 years.

I never opted for any new update, as a matter of fact I only use SB+ as a PDF reader and a midi link, don't want any more updates and never will do, I prepare all my sheets in MuseScore, a brilliant FREE app.

I have tons of music programs and iPad apps and never before has any one come along and blocked my property of which I has taken countless hours to prepare,

I had Cubasis 2 on my iPad, when they announced a major update they brought out Cubasis 3, isn't this the proper way to go with updates, updating was optional, I have since purchased Cubasis 3 at $50
Cubasis 3 is 100 times more complex and more powerful than Songbook so why ask for $50 for the next 5 years for an app that I already paid for 5 years ago, wouldn't Songbook2+ be the right way to go and then optional if one would need the updates.

Anyone else come across this demand for more money and did you "pay up"?


Fred Smith

Quote from: Pino on Jul 27, 2020, 09:04 AM
I had a gig the other night and set up as usual,
When I opened my IPad sheet music in SongBook+ all the sheets had disappeared and a notice that my 5 years was up and as I had opted for the new update they wanted $50 more for the next 5 years.

I never opted for any new update, as a matter of fact I only use SB+ as a PDF reader and a midi link, don't want any more updates and never will do, I prepare all my sheets in MuseScore, a brilliant FREE app.

I have tons of music programs and iPad apps and never before has any one come along and blocked my property of which I has taken countless hours to prepare,

I had Cubasis 2 on my iPad, when they announced a major update they brought out Cubasis 3, isn't this the proper way to go with updates, updating was optional, I have since purchased Cubasis 3 at $50
Cubasis 3 is 100 times more complex and more powerful than Songbook so why ask for $50 for the next 5 years for an app that I already paid for 5 years ago, wouldn't Songbook2+ be the right way to go and then optional if one would need the updates.

Anyone else come across this demand for more money and did you "pay up"?

We have been warned for more than a year that the next major update would cost money for those of us who purchased the app more than 5 years ago.

You were told in the update notes that if you installed the update, you would need to pay. The option was simply not to install the update. The old version would keep working as is.

Perhaps Matthias should have gone the Songbook2 route, but he didn't. He chose to give us ample warning instead.

I value the product, and think it's worth $10 per year, so I have installed the update, and renewed for another 5 years.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Fred, thanks for your reply

The fact is that I never opted to update it.
Why do I need an update, all was working ok for my purposes.
That's just using it as a PDF viewer and midi link

I'm looking at 'onsong' right now
No problem, I have all my songs on another device.
It's just did not like the way he went about it.
An email may have been better communication.

You went ahead an updated, I'm looking at my options right now.
That's left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Just imagine being on a gig and no sheets 👹

What's new and is the update $50 better than before.


Fred Smith

Quote from: Pino on Jul 27, 2020, 10:07 AM
The fact is that I never opted to update it.
Why do I need an update, all was working ok for my purposes.
That's just using it as a PDF viewer and midi link

I'm looking at 'onsong' right now
No problem, I have all my songs on another device.
It's just did not like the way he went about it.
An email may have been better communication.

You went ahead an updated, I'm looking at my options right now.
That's left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Just imagine being on a gig and no sheets 👹

What's new and is the update $50 better than before.

I agree about the bitter taste, especially the "gig and no sheets".

The problem is you have Automatic App Updates set, so it was updated automatically, like all your other apps.

The new features are listed in the update notice, which you can find through the App Store app, tap on your picture, then scroll down to SongBook+.

Is the upgrade worth $50? I doubt it, but the whole app is worth $10/year to me.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


What a pain all your dots are locked up!!! They should at least let you have your own files even if you dont renew!!

I just use a large tablet and have my music in galley pic folders, select the folder i want ( just like a photo album ) and I can swipe backward and forward  ...If i gigged i would simply put these in playlist order.

My tablet in a huge Phillips 22" S221C ...bought it cheap from the second hand /thrift shop. but you could use a smaller size for gigging.
I also have my song lists on this tablet in word docs and copies of my style files so i can search with it + its handy, right above my board.

Ok ...Its not connected to the board, not high tech, and i have to take the pics of my dots manually,  but its free to use and i dont have to rely on any apps.



My Auto-Updates is never on, I learned a lesson long time ago with an app that I had fine-tuned over the months and an auto-update put all the settings back to default, never been on since,

The other reason I am a little peed off is that I had one message a while back to notify me of some changes so I was expecting a message like, "do you want to upgrade - YES or NO, I got nothing, looks like it's about making money at any cost, didn't get any messages the day before, I have been in email contact with Matthias over the years so he has my email address.  An email would have been nice.

It's like a workman going to work and someone has robbed his tools.
That's how I felt on my gig, lucky I has some backup even though on a smaller screen.

Saw this app on the App Store for anyone that's interested "Music Binder" $1
Look like an ok app to me for viewing sheet music and sorting into lists
I did download it and got some songs into it very quickly
It only cost $1. Why is SongBook+ so expensive at $50 for 5 years.
Is it just for the midi link? 🤔


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Al Ram

thanks for the info.   I do have SongBook+ and based on your note above, i made sure the updates are turned off.  Good info you provided.  thanks

I just checked, and the SongBook+ gives you a big warning when trying to update indicating that if you accept the update you will pay $50 and your current version will become a demo version.  They also advise you not to update if you do not want to.

Based on this, i did not accept the update, because the current features are good enough for me right now.

I already paid for SongBook+ license, so no need for me to find another app.  But if I was going to replace SongBook+ then it would have to be an app that would allow me to do the link from PDF's to registrations both ways . . . . controlling the PDF from the registration and the other way around. . . . bringing up the Genos registration from the ipad/PDF. 

So, for me . . . yes,   the link is worth what i already paid for SongBook+.  At this point do not see benefits in the update. 


ps. by the way the link between SongBook+ and Genos registrations is no longer a midi link.  It is established without the midi files.  In my setup, everything is wireless via a bluetooth adapter.

San Diego/Tijuana


I think Mobilesheetspro has the best application, for the best price and offers more features than you can imagine. Also, its developer has direct contact with customers and keeps improving the app

Al Ram

Based on the link below . . . .. . . it seems that MobileSheets works only for Android and Windows devices  . . . . . it does not seem to support apple iPads which is my case.

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

The app might be great, but with no IOS installation no good for me.

San Diego/Tijuana


Hi Pino,

I was also warned several times by the Songbook+ app that the app would work only in Demo mode from the next major update, since it was bought over 5 years ago.

I then did NOT buy the app again, but chose the suggested alternative: I subscribed for a "Bronce Sponsor" via an in-app purchase. This costs 99 cents a month (and is acceptable for me). In this state (as "Bronce Sponsor") the app now continues to work as a full version, and I can always update to the latest version.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Al Ram on Jul 27, 2020, 02:03 PM
Based on the link below . . . .. . . it seems that MobileSheets works only for Android and Windows devices  . . . . . it does not seem to support apple iPads which is my case.

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

The app might be great, but with no IOS installation no good for me.

Thanks i have the ultimate solution: BUY Samsung tabled with android OS - You won't believe the amount of flexibility and ease of use that you are going to experience!

Al Ram

thanks for the recommendation . . . 

I am pretty happy with my iPad . .  .. . also, would not want to go thru the setup again on a new device . . .

My setup is already working great for me.

But I appreciate the suggestion.   Have a great day.

San Diego/Tijuana