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Effects, Help !

Started by Maestro H, May 18, 2020, 11:17 PM

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Maestro H

Hello Everyone !
when I change styles the the voice effects change too ! how can I save, lock or set the same effect with all styles and sounds ?
Thank you :)



go to Menu2 > Utility > Parametar lock  and check Effect.
Watch my video channel

Maestro H

Thank you so Much !
the Reverb is locked :) but the Chorus still changing with the style :(


It's true, the data manual shows that Reverb Type is part of the parameter lock group, but Chorus Type is not. It's the same in SX, Genos and Tyros manuals.

This does seem a bit odd, given that Reverb and Chorus are both part of the Style data.


You can prevent the system Reverb and its return level from changing but can't "freeze" all aspects of effects in parameter lock. If you want to preserve the system Chorus Type across a few styles you can set the chorus type  as you require (also Reverb if you choose)  then resave those styles so that next time you load them they have the effect types you want.
Alternatively you can use registrations to save the style setups. They will cause the effects to be loaded with the style provided you memorised them with those effects in place. Make sure you have ticked style (plus any other properties you want saved) before memorising.
eg. If you want panel voices and their send levels to be preserved, put a tick also in Voice.

Lee Batchelor

Quote from: Maestro H on May 18, 2020, 11:17 PM
Hello Everyone !
when I change styles the voice effects change too! how can I save, lock or set the same effect with all styles and sounds?
Thank you :)
One of the allures of the Genos and its predecessors is the versatility of its sound. From strictly a music standpoint, would you want to listen to a whole CD where the engineer used the same effects group on all songs? I suppose it would be appropriate if the content was restricted to one very narrow style. Most prefer variation in reverb and delay. These two effects are at the heart of most music production, next to proper EQ. One of the reasons producers achieve excellent sound quality is because they use a variety of effects and delays. Just something to think about :).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.