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Score display - midi file

Started by Wil5560, Apr 13, 2020, 07:40 AM

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With high interest, i have been watching the tipp from the latest video from Keyboard Akademie:

But I would like to know how to handle the following:
My midi file contains a song where the melody is played differently, meaning with different instruments. So a part is played with a trumpet, another with strings, another part with akkordeon.
So when selecting eg channel 1 in the score setting, i can see the trumpet.....but when the trumpet is exchanged by eg strings, I don't see the score anymore.
Only when changing the channel again, I see the score for the trumpet.
So what can I do to constantly see the score? do I need to change the channel and save this everytime in a registration? I would like to mute the melody and play a long with the midi file.
Any suggestions or best practice?



Copy/replace all melodie tracks on one channel
The best on channel 4 usual the melodie channel on most pro midifiles
You can remove the bank and program chance numbers
And set the volume on zero when you don't want to hear the melodie



Thanks a lot for the help. Can you shortly explain how to copy / replace (kind of merge) different midi tracks into 1?
Have not found an answer to this yet in the manuals.

appreciate the support


I don't do that in the keyboard
It is very easy to do it in computer midi sequencer
Perhaps an other member can explan that to you
how do it in your keyboard


Which computer sequencer software are you using to merge midi tracks into 1?



I use XgWorks
You can also use Cubase or Cakewalk Sonar
Sonar is free to dowload by Bandlab
When you upload a midi file you see all track in a field
With the mouse can you replace the tracks
Put te melodie tracks on one track use connect or something like that to gluh them together
Select the Track, the track turns black
Go to list editor and remove the bank and progam change controllers
Set the volume controller on zero at start of the track
and remove all other volume controllers in the track

Fred Smith

Quote from: Wil5560 on Apr 14, 2020, 06:57 AM
Which computer sequencer software are you using to merge midi tracks into 1?

Just be prepared. If you haven't use this type of software before, there's quite the learning curve.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks for your help. For the time I will skip my request, since it's a bit too complicated (as beginner in the world of sequencer). Anyhow thanks


Hi Wil5560,

please refer to pages 82 - 84 of the Genos Reference Manual ("Editing Channel Events of Existing Song Data"). Pay particular attention to the functions "Mix" and "Copy":

- With "Copy", you can copy a certain Channel to the desired Destination Channel.
- With "Mix" you can mix two different Source Channels to the desired Destination Channel.

You can use these functions  to create your own "Score Channel" in a MIDI file.

BUT, in my opinion, these things are much easier to do on a Computer (PC or Mac). I recommend that you read a little bit about "MIDI Sequencing" next time.

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Best regars,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)