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Playback a PSR song recorded with a style on DAW

Started by chikitin, Apr 11, 2020, 11:39 PM

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I have a song that I recorded it using a PSR-A3000 style. The style variations have different keyboard sounds and can be (re)called using one touch setting. For instance, if you have style and disengage "ACMP", pressing One touch setting 1,.., 4 will play the voices Right1 and Right 2 on the mixing console ( panel). Please correct me if I am wrong.

I imported the MIDI file to Cubase, then I adjust the setting. I send the MIDI signals to port 2:

On MIDI > receive tab for port 2:
-Channels 1 3: right 1, right 2, and left (keyboard parts)
channels 9 to 16 I put styles from Rhythm 1 to Style phrase 2.

I have two issues,

1) when the program changes are sent from cubase to port 2 ( channel 1) they don't translate when from cubase to PSR, the patches are not correct.
2) from time to time, the start/start and ACMP turn on!

For number 1, I don't see in the MIDI> receive tab any part related to one touch setting. I wish I could have cubase to send midi message to change One touch setting numbers when I have change of instrument.

I do greatly appreciate your help.


I have a hard time


Hi @Chikitin, the vids/tutors of Tiho were helpful to me to get cubase and my sx working basicly well. If you look on his YT channel there are English spoken tutors. It is for the Genos, but as midi in Yamaha/Steinberg are a decay on the same (low) level, I guess it is the same for your KB.
So, maybe those vids could help you too?
My best regards,


Quote from: ton37 on Apr 12, 2020, 02:08 AM
Hi @Chikitin, the vids/tutors of Tiho were helpful to me to get cubase and my sx working basicly well. If you look on his YT channel there are English spoken tutors. It is for the Genos, but as midi in Yamaha/Steinberg are a decay on the same (low) level, I guess it is the same for your KB.
So, maybe those vids could help you too?

Thank you for showing me the video. I wish I had seen this last year! I had figured the whole thing by trial and error. In fact, I had created my own cubase template just like him.

The video shows how to synch cubase and PSR which is great. What I want is to play the MIDI song ( with style) imported to Cubase.

I have still an issue here! Some notes are playing portamento when I play the song from cubase to PSR. But the song plays just fine on my PSR. I checked the voice settings the Portamento time is set to zero and also the I checked the controller lane of cubase track for Right 1 & 2 (my melodies) there are no portamento events (MIDI cc  5) there. So Not sure, how few notes slide  to another notes when played from Cubase!


Hi chikitin,

normally, you should use MIDI Port 1 when playing back a MIDI file on the computer and sending it to your keyboard (connected by DIN MIDI or USB-MIDI).

Select one of the Preset MIDI templates "All Parts" or "KBD & Style" to be sure that the incoming data of Port 1 is routed to the internal SONG Parts.

Do NOT route the incoming MIDI data to the KEYBOARD and STYLE Parts (which is the case if you are using Port 2).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you Chris.

Quote from: overover on Apr 12, 2020, 09:42 AM
normally, you should use MIDI Port 1 when playing back a MIDI file on the computer and sending it to your keyboard (connected by DIN MIDI or USB-MIDI).
I think the video shown and what I have been always doing: For each MIDI channel i have: Input to Port 1 of PSR, and output to Port 2 of the PSR. Are you saying I need to have the output set to port 1?

Quote from: overover on Apr 12, 2020, 09:42 AM
Select one of the Preset MIDI templates "All Parts" or "KBD & Style" to be sure that the incoming data of Port 1 is routed to the internal SONG Parts.
hm... I tired that before. The keyboard part plays only Piano on PSR and no program change are sent to PSR.

Quote from: overover on Apr 12, 2020, 09:42 AM
Do NOT route the incoming MIDI data to the KEYBOARD and STYLE Parts (which is the case if you are using Port 2).
You are correct.



Quote from: chikitin on Apr 12, 2020, 09:11 AM
I checked the voice settings the Portamento time is set to zero and also the I checked the controller lane of cubase track for Right 1 & 2 (my melodies) there are no portamento events (MIDI cc  5) there. So Not sure, how few notes slide  to another notes when played from Cubase!

In fact, I just checked. One of the voices in PSR had portamento time to 45. I set it to zero. But as soon as I playback from Cubase, it goes back to the original portamento setting of 45!

Do you know why there is no portamento when I play the same song ( original) on PSR but cubase plays with portamento? I insert some gaps between the two notes with slides but I hear the slide.

Is there a way to get rid of the annoying portamento sounds?
I think I need to save my voice in as a user voice and override the program change message on cubase to my user voiced.


Maybe, just maybe? Have you looked in 'Steprecording Window' or 'Midi List editor' (In Cubase)  if you can see if their are more than one  'portamento - control' are set to ON in the miditrack?
My best regards,


Quote from: ton37 on Apr 12, 2020, 02:08 AM
Hi @Chikitin, the vids/tutors of Tiho were helpful to me to get cubase and my sx working basicly well. If you look on his YT channel there are English spoken tutors. It is for the Genos, but as midi in Yamaha/Steinberg are a decay on the same (low) level, I guess it is the same for your KB.
So, maybe those vids could help you too?

I just noticed my keyboard, PSR-A3000 does not transmit on Port 2. I wish there was a workaround:

From the manual:

MIDI transmission/reception via the USB terminals and MIDI terminals
The relationship between the MIDI terminals and the USB terminals which can be used for transmitting/receiving 32 channels (16 channels x 2 ports) of the MIDI messages is as follows:


Quote from: ton37 on Apr 12, 2020, 02:38 PM
Maybe, just maybe? Have you looked in 'Steprecording Window' or 'Midi List editor' (In Cubase)  if you can see if their are more than one  'portamento - control' are set to ON in the miditrack?

Yes. I did. I guess the issue the the voice itself has a non-zero portamento on it. The thing I did was I removed the cc in the transmit part of the MIDI settings. Now there is no portamento, but at the same time all other CC messages are gone as well!

I wish there was a better way!

Thank you.


Quote from: chikitin on Apr 12, 2020, 10:33 AM
Thank you Chris.
I think the video shown and what I have been always doing: For each MIDI channel i have: Input to Port 1 of PSR, and output to Port 2 of the PSR. Are you saying I need to have the output set to port 1?

YES, ALWAYS set Port 1 (of the Yamaha USB-MIDI driver) for the Output of the DAW (for all 16 Channels). So, the incoming MIDI signal on the keyboard comes to the SONG Channels that are routed to Port 1 @RECEIVE by default (when using one of the Preset MIDI templates "All Parts" ore "KBD & Style", as mentioned before).

When making a MIDI recording (directly on the keyboad) while playing a Style, perhaps a Multi Pad and certain Keyboard Parts, then these Parts will be recorded to the MIDI file ("Song"). When you play back this MIDI recording directly on the keyboard, the SONG Parts are used (NOT the original Style, Multi Pad or Keyboard Parts!). All Voice Settings of all recorded Parts are 1:1 in the MIDI file, and when played back later, the SONG Parts make 1:1 the same sound as you had setted originally in the Style, Multi Pad and Keyboard Parts.

So, even if you use a Computer program (e.g. DAW) to edit your MIDI files, AWAYS set the Output of the external MIDI program to Port 1. :)

Sending MIDI Data to Port 2 of the keyboard is needed to connect an external MIDI controller (Master keyboard). Here use Port 2 / Channel 1 @RECEIVE to can play on the external keyboard in the same way as on the internal keyboard. Use Port 2 and one of the Channels 2 - 5 to control one the RIGHT Parts or the LEFT Part from the external keyboard.

And you are right here: Via USB-MIDI, you can NOT send (transmit) on Part 2. This means: IF you, for some reason, want to send the internal SONG Parts to an external MIDI device (e.g. DAW) via USB-MIDI (to record them externally), you will have to edit your MIDI settings (routing the SONG Parts to Port 1 @RECEIVE). (Some keyboard models could have a special Preset MIDI template for this purpose.) But this szenario is rarely used.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)