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Anyone know Genos model num ?

Started by Al Ram, Apr 10, 2020, 02:07 PM

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Al Ram

Hello Friends

I am working with a Yamaha approved technician to work out some repairs to my Genos keyboard.

He is asking me for the Genos model and serial number .  .   i already provided both . . .

However he said that the model ZW69480 that i provided is not correct  . . . . my recollection is that i took this model number from the box . . . however, due to the pandemia i am not able to check the box because it is in a different and far location.

I looked under Genos and could not find a model number . . . no model in the Genos itself . . .

Anyone know if the model is the same for all Genos . . . ?

do you know if your Genos is the same model Yamaha ZW69480 or how would i find the model for my Genos ?

thanks in advance .
San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 10, 2020, 02:07 PM
Hello Friends

I am working with a Yamaha approved technician to work out some repairs to my Genos keyboard.

He is asking me for the Genos model and serial number .  .   i already provided both . . .

However he said that the model ZW69480 that i provided is not correct  . . . . my recollection is that i took this model number from the box . . . however, due to the pandemia i am not able to check the box because it is in a different and far location.

I looked under Genos and could not find a model number . . . no model in the Genos itself . . .

Anyone know if the model is the same for all Genos . . . ?

do you know if your Genos is the same model Yamaha ZW69480 or how would i find the model for my Genos ?

thanks in advance .

Whats hapen?

Al Ram

The Start/Stop button is not working . . .

I need the Genos model number . . . The technician is asking for it . . .

San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 10, 2020, 04:07 PM
The Start/Stop button is not working . . .

I need the Genos model number . . . The technician is asking for it . . .


Hi Al,

to find out your Genos' Serial number (= "Hardware ID"):

1. Press [Menu] (press twice if necessary) > Utility > System

2. On page 1/2 of the "System" tab, you will find your Hardware ID. It is an 11-digit number, which can also contain letters (A - Z).

There is also an additional "Model number", but I don't know why Yamaha or an authorized Technician would need this Model number, because the Serial number is already unique.

Best regards,

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● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)
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Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 10, 2020, 02:07 PM
Hello Friends

I am working with a Yamaha approved technician to work out some repairs to my Genos keyboard.

He is asking me for the Genos model and serial number .  .   i already provided both . . .

However he said that the model ZW69480 that i provided is not correct  . . . . my recollection is that i took this model number from the box . . . however, due to the pandemia i am not able to check the box because it is in a different and far location.

I looked under Genos and could not find a model number . . . no model in the Genos itself . . .

Anyone know if the model is the same for all Genos . . . ?

do you know if your Genos is the same model Yamaha ZW69480 or how would i find the model for my Genos ?

thanks in advance .


You actually took a picture of your Genos box when you answered in this thread on the same topic:
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You may be able to search for your own Genos model number and serial number photo on your PC.




See the bottom of the right hand column of Page 2 of the Genos Owner's Manual for the location of the ID plate on the bottom side of the Genos.  It should list both the Serial and Model numbers.




The carton of my Genos, purchased in the U.S.A., says:
Model No.  ZW69480


Al Ram


thank you so much.  I took a picture of the screen with the hardware id and will provide

hopefully that will do it.
San Diego/Tijuana

Al Ram

thanks a lot. Yes, i saw the user manual indicates that the plate is under the keyboard.  In fact the plate is there but does not include the model number like the manual indicates.   It only indicates the serial number . . . it should include the model number but it does not.

San Diego/Tijuana

Al Ram


thanks a lot it is really appreciated.

Yes, i took a picture of the box . .. . unfortunately due to current pandemia I do not have access to that picture or the box at this time.

But it helps knowing that you have the same model number that I have . . . that confirms the model number I have is correct because i also purchased in the US.

thanks again

San Diego/Tijuana


The tag on the bottom of my Genos simply says "Genos" by the Model label.  I also purchased it in the US about 18 months ago.


Al Ram

thanks. That confirms what i also have.

San Diego/Tijuana