How to "disable" serial copy protection

Started by chikitin, Mar 28, 2020, 10:39 AM

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I have I noticed one of my own songs ( played with PSR style), has serial copy protection on it. Above the song says "Port. 1"

When I try copy, I get the error:

"serial copy protection enabled! "Piazi.T11.mid" Cannot be pasted to the disk. Continue?

Also, I cannot view the score for it. When I play it back and press on "Score", it shows me the score and lyrics for another song!

How can I disable the copy protection please?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I know How
But i don't tell you
The copy protection is with a reason
Sombody want to protect his own work
And it is also a prove  that you try to use his work
And the song is not made by you




Quote from: Janus on Mar 28, 2020, 11:40 AM
I know How
But i don't tell you
The copy protection is with a reason
Sombody want to protect his own work
And it is also a prove  that you try to use his work
And the song is not made by you


Trust me, it is mine and I created it long ago. I don't know how I copy protected it. I guess I need to do some research on this, if I cannot find help here. I will give a call Yamaha.


i don't think yamaha will help you with a copyricht midi file
upload the midi file to the groep
i shall have a look on it
and upload it back when i can fisk it
give the titel  of your song so i can see the different between your song and the copyright song
perhaps they are mixed together



Quote from: Janus on Mar 28, 2020, 09:05 PM
i don't think yamaha will help you with a copyricht midi file
upload the midi file to the groep
i shall have a look on it
and upload it back when i can fisk it
give the titel  of your song so i can see the different between your song and the copyright song
perhaps they are mixed together

I will. The song is pretty much I improvised few melody lines over "Cockertme" style. I used a guitar icon for that the song as well. I named it Piazzoli. Is that possible these things make the song, copyright protected?

I would rather to send it to one person only!
Thank you.


Perhaps you did record your song with already another copyright song loaded in the song editor recorder
also perhaps the style is copyrighted
use the email icon left to send it to me
pm can't send midi files
use my email adres in your email prg.
then you can send it with add ons


chikitin - Did you ever resolve this issue?  I'm having the same problem....

[attachment deleted by admin]


I have this problem too, when I try to transfer the demo songs from my PSR S970 to my CVP 809. And it's really frustrating!  >:(  :(

Toril S

Cannot be done. But maybe you could record them using Audacity and an audio interface?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Llbeck02 on Oct 13, 2021, 02:39 PM
chikitin - Did you ever resolve this issue?  I'm having the same problem....

Hi Llbeck02,

This problem (message that a MIDI song is copy protected) occurs if you first loaded / played one of the internal demo MIDI songs and then made your own MIDI recording without first initializing the song memory (so that instead of the song name "New Song", i.e. a new blank song, is displayed).

With Tyros, PSR-S and older CVP models (up to CVP-509) you press the Song Stop and Record buttons at the same time, with Genos and PSR-SX models you press the "New" icon in the "MIDI Multi Recording" display. (In "MIDI Quick Recording" mode, a new blank song is usually created automatically when this display is opened.)

With the CVP-609/709/809 you have to press "New MIDI" in the "Song Recording" display to initialize the song memory.

By the way, I am not aware of any possibility of subsequently removing such a copy protection from a MIDI file.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)