Tyros 5 with Amnesia

Started by norrimac, Mar 25, 2020, 11:01 AM

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H al, I know I'm doing something daft but I can't figure it out.

Just can't get the T5 to save registrations, look - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Nbw2T1nj8s

It's under 2 minutes. Thanks, Norm.


Hi Norm

There are a couple of things that I can see that you are maybe doing wrong.

However, you are also getting confused with Style OTS and Registrations.

When you want to go back to see the String setup you need to push the Reg Button NOT the Variation.

Also when you were saving the Reg set up you were holding the Button for too long.  so you were missing the screen to select which parts of the setup you want to save.  Also, remember that putting the setup in each of the Reg buttons does not actually save them for recall later.




You have saved it in registration but because you have the OTS link on it is selecting this set up instead of your registration. Press the registration button and you will have your strings. Don't forget to save your registration bank when complete. It is a good idea not to have the OTS link on when making registrations.

Graham UK

If I'm changing the OTS in a Style I would first save the Style again before saving as Registration. The registration will then call up the changed style.


Thanks to all! Still not quite there yet...

Basically all I want to do is to set the 4 variations up with my chosen RH voices and save that edited style into the reg memory.

I'm sure I didn't have this issue before my enforced 2 year layoff!

Thanks for your patience! Norm.

Graham UK

Norm. There is every information you require on this PSR Lessons.

Hope this helps


Quote from: norrimac on Mar 25, 2020, 12:10 PMBasically all I want to do is to set the 4 variations up with my chosen RH voices and save that edited style into the reg memory.

As I said earlier, you are still getting confused between Styles OTS and regsitrations.

The best way is to concentrate of REG ONLY.   You are not editing a style.

Select the you what and have a Blank Registration ready.
Select Variation 1. Change the RH VOices to your preference and with Synch Start flashing if that is what you want. You can also select a Intro at this stage.
Now BRIEFLY touch the Memory Button.
Another screen will appear so that you can select exactly what you want to Memorize.
Put a tick in all the boxes that you want to memorize VOICES, Style etc.
Now Push REG Button 1

Now push variation Button 2 and repeat the set up as before for voicing.
Push Memorize - Select the same parts and push reg Button 2

Repeat until you have memorized all reg buttons.

When you have set it all up, simply save the Registration Bank. 





Hi Norrimac,

Just think WHAT you want and HOW you want it :-)

If you use OTS (and make OWN OTS) you have the possibility of 4 Voice-Setups in EACH Userstyle.
They are unnamed and you can play..

You can make registrations (and save a lot of more things) and name the registration bank AND the Registration itself ...

Just to think WHAT to do ... and best for you.

I have also customer just play with the internal OTS and are happy ... the don't need a memory button ...

The Keyboards only make what the player does ....

greetings frank
Genos and Tyros /PSR Support in Germany - Europe with more than
280 keyboardscouts helping in D-AT-CH-NL at your home!
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You're all right, I AM confused.

Here's what I'm not getting...

There are pre-programmed STYLES which are listed under Ballads, Latin, R&B, Ballroom etc. I get that.

I know I can copy a style and then paste it into either the user drive or the HD and give that style new name.

So now I have these styles saved using whatever name I choose.

I then select that style, which contains 4 variations. I can then assign that style to a bank of registrations. So I can have up to 8 styles saved into that bank, right? Maybe 8 different rock & roll styles and name the bank 'ROCK & ROLL'.

That's all fine and that's what I've got done.

The factory styles which I've copied (with their 4 variations) have different voices (instruments) assigned to each variation.

Say Variation 1 is piano, 2 is organ, 3 is strings and 4 is brass.

All I want to do is to reassign the voices (instruments) so that when I select a variation, I get the voices (instruments) WITHIN those variations, pre-programmed with MY chosen voices (instruments) and NOT the factory-programmed voices that came in on the styles?

Sorry, maybe it's being locked up in the house for 2 weeks, I guess i'm over-thinking!


Toril S

Hello :)
To change the OTS on a style do this:
1. Select the style you want to change.
2. Select the variation you wnat to change.
3. Select the voice you wnat it to have.
4. Adjust other panel settings, for instance, harmony, sustain.
5. Now press the MEMORY button.
6. Press for instance OTS 1. A message will appear asking if you want to save the change.
    You now press the f button for yes.
7. Press the f button to get to the style selection display, and save the style under a new name.
    I usualle keep the name, but add a letter to indicate that this is my edited style.

When you have done this, you can put the style in a registration if you want.

Hope this helps :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


Think of it this way.

Save the style as a user style. Then set the OTS on your new copy as per Toril's instructions.

Then make up your registrations using the style.

Remember though if you are using OTS then each registration using that style will be picking up the same 4 OTS from the style. If you want different OTS in each registration, then you need each one to be using a different copy of the style.



I finally got it!!!

As you all said, I was confused between styles, OTS etc etc.

ALL of your responses were most gratefully received. Toril's instructions hit the spot.

I'm gong to go back over the thread and study all your comments so that I've got this finally 'memorised' to my hard drive!

Thanks to all again!


Graham UK



Dear Mr. norrimac,

I would like to take this moment to thank you publicly here on the forum for bringing this question to the members.
I for one read this thread thoroughly with a great deal of interest .

You see, I struggled for years over OTS's, registrations, registration banks Etc. I admit that I never had the nerve to pose the same questions you did.Even though I knew the answers to your inquiries I again wimped out and could not get myself to respond to this important thread.  Gladly people here helped you find your way. I think a lot of members learned a lot of great info just because you admitted to having that often temporary condition that I occasionally suffer from-----brain freeze.

Once again, thanks


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Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos