Rearranged SX styles

Started by Enildo, Mar 23, 2020, 06:40 PM

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Hello Panos, thank you very much for the information. Cheers. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Quote from: Enildo on Mar 23, 2020, 06:40 PM
I don't know the opinion of the majority, but I didn't like the organization of SX styles in just 9 categories. I did not like the extinction of the Ballad and Country categories, I think these two categories are traditional, in the world of arranger keyboards and could not be extinguished. I added some folders based on Genos and others created according to my own experience, intuition and need.

Boa noite, Enildo!

I joined this forum a few days ago, although having visited it several times in the past.  I used to participate at Yahoo's psr-styles-group, which went south after Yahoo ceased their forum support. 

I got me an SX900 late last year and I'm sure you have a lot of company in disliking the SX styles organization.  In my introductory post I mentioned my annoyance with this drawback.

To overcome it, I also spent several weeks trying to classify the internal styles into meaningful categories.  However, I used a different approach, defining categories related to the time signature and primary feel of the styles, and putting the results into a spreadsheet to be sorted and filtered at will.  This way, however cryptic or misleading a Style name can be and whatever context it comes from, it can be found easily by its "nature" rather than by name.  "ChristmasWaltz", for instance, for me is under 3Beat, "SecretService" under 8Beat, "YoungFox" under Dance, "HelloShuffle" is 12Beat and so on.  I'm attaching here again the spreadsheet I constructed, for illustration and possible discussion, with you or anyone who cares to.

You went a step further, in actually copying your organized styles into User folders.  Bright idea!  I shall think of combining my approach with yours, so I wouldn't need to consult the spreadsheet when looking for a style.  A shortcoming of User styles on is not having their default Tempo displayed onscreen, though.  Sometimes that info is useful.

Abraço -- José

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bonjour enildo,
thanks for your work ,  I don't like too the new organization of SX styles ( for ex. tijuana in jazz category )
it was easier and more logical to find a style on the precedents models
rene ,france


Quote from: rene on Jul 11, 2020, 03:09 AM
bonjour enildo,
thanks for your work ,  I don't like too the new organization of SX styles ( for ex. tijuana in jazz category )
it was easier and more logical to find a style on the precedents models
rene ,france

Bonjour René, comment vas-tu?

Thanks for the compliment, I hope yamaha will fix this in the next model, or introduce a new way of organizing styles.

Au revoir!
When word fail, Music speaks!


If looking for a certain style the search function works well and saves a lot of time searching.


Quote from: EileenL on Jul 11, 2020, 05:43 AM
If looking for a certain style the search function works well and saves a lot of time searching.
It really works well Eileen, but when we want, for example, to try some ballads, to see which one fits better with a certain song, this is where the problem appears.

When word fail, Music speaks!


i agree with enildo , search fonction is usefull when you know the style you' re looking for.


Thats why I like 'song styles'  I can then search by 'song title' and also 'style type' ( well if I know the genre ) and get all the results to audition, pick out what I want tweak, then just resave into my registration.
I really enjoy checking out the results. I have thousands of song titles in several folders copied to user. They dont take up much space.
And a good trick i use ...
if i'm struggling with knowing what the best genre is ...
I also search in registration screen, as I have my faithful 1000's of MF conversions in there.
This gives you the style title, which helps if your not sure about the style to match a song name
You can then go with that style title back to search this within the style screen so you never miss other options for the same song.

It works for me and its easy


Fred Smith

Quote from: rene on Jul 11, 2020, 03:09 AM
bonjour enildo,
thanks for your work ,  I don't like too the new organization of SX styles ( for ex. tijuana in jazz category )
it was easier and more logical to find a style on the precedents models
rene ,france

I've never found it easy to find a style on any model keyboard. But, the saving grace of the Genos and SX models is the search function.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I think it does pay to go through the styles from time to time and just listen to them. A lot of the time they will suggest a song to you then just make a note of the style and the section it is in and the song title.
After a while you will get used to where the styles are.

J. Larry

I enjoy finding and trying-out styles for standard tunes that are somewhat unique and different.  I've started doing Misty with a bluegrass style, having seen Ray Stevens performance recently.