Using and setting up a midi 88 keyed controller to my PSR S950

Started by redwulf3, Mar 22, 2020, 05:47 PM

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HI GANG  I AM NEW to this forum.  I need help from someone versed on hooking up a midi controller to a PSR S950.  I have read the manual and can't seem to locate how to use a midi 88 keyed controller with a PSR s 950.  I have a Fatar 88 keyed weighted controller and want to play the voices on the Yamaha via the Fatar.  I know very  little about midi, but I do have a cable between the two and just need to know what "internal" settings I need to have it function.  My interest is simple...I just want to set a voice on the Yamaha and be able to use the Fatar to play those voices I choose.  I don't need presets or anything like that.  I guess what I need to know is how to have the Yamaha receive the midi info like on channel one.  Does that make sense?  Thank you for your assistance. 


You can do much more than play a voice. Once you midi the controller to the PSR you can have it act as if it is the PSR keyboard, ie drive accompaniment, voices, split the keyboard, record. You can call up presets, registrations etc - it will all work seamlessly. You go to settings, then midi and set the PSR to receive midi. Should all work automatically.
The PSR will work as normal, except you can play the Fatar keys. You can save the midi set up in a set up registration. 


Thank you for the quick reply.  I will be glad to just have it play, but yes, it would be cool to set up some often used patches.  Two other quick questions, is it possible to "load" new voicings to the PSR and other drum patterns.  I have a Metal band (we play more melodic style...not the death or darker metal...I don't get that personally)  I would love to have some new metal type drum patterns, I have used the existing rock ones TOO MUCH and I need some variety.  Thanks again for your help and advice.


Go to midi setup
Scroll to recieve channels
Play on your 88er to test
You will see light up the recieve channel on the keyboard
Set this channel on keyboard
Now you have a remote with the same functies as the keyboard
With left-right 1-2-3
You can also play the arranger remote



Thank you Janus, for taking the time to respond to my question... it is much appreciated.  Take Care, Mike