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S950 to SX-900 Equivalent Styles

Started by KeyboardEd, Mar 20, 2020, 04:33 PM

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I couldn't be happier with my SX-900 and being effectively shut in it's getting a lot of playing time.

The problem I am now having is trying to match the new SX-900 styles to the older S-950 styles. I know there will not be exact matches but I am really not sure how to go about even coming close.

Almost all of my music has notes on them referring to a specific style, tempo, & voices for each piece. Going from the 910 styles to the 950 was not very difficult. However, being multiple level of changes behind, I am having a hard time finding comparable styles on the SX-900 to the S950. The tempo & voices are easy enough to solve but finding the base styles has me stumped.

Any suggestions as to how to make this 'conversion' easier would be appreciated. -Ed

Toril S

Hello KeyboardEd!
Just copy the styles from your S950 and put them on a USB stick. Most of them will work fine without much adjustment. Sometimes a voice may be missing or volume of some parts have to be adjusted.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Bruce Breen

Hi Ed,
And if you don't have your S-950 anymore, I have one and could copy any styles you are looking for.
Give me the names that you need...
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion

Fred Smith

Quote from: Bruce Breen on Mar 20, 2020, 07:30 PM
Hi Ed,
And if you don't have your S-950 anymore, I have one and could copy any styles you are looking for.
Give me the names that you need...

When I moved from the T4 to Genos, I just copied over my registrations and loaded them. In every case, the Genos found a suitable style (and voices).  Yes, I had to do some tweaking afterwards, but I could do so at my leisure.

Does the SX not do the same?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


The S950's (both) have been sold but somewhere I have a lot of USB's that I used back then. I'll have to do some digging around. My music room needs to be reorganized anyway.

Other than just playing I haven't done much with the SX, I've only had it a few days so far. I am just working on my scales and dexterity right now, haven't played for a while. I have a steep learning curve ahead!
