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Reversing style names?

Started by Dave Nuttall, Mar 19, 2020, 05:53 AM

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Dave Nuttall

Over time there have been "thousands" of styles posted here on PSR-Tutorial which have been renamed for a particular song.  (See the GIG Lists, for example).

Does anyone know HOW to determine what the original style name was?

I've been wondering about this "for years"! 

Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.



If it is a factory style and all the user has done is rename it's filename, then it can be displayed in MixMaster(open syyle (drag file to the on screen icon), then depress List View. An event like this should be close to the top of the listing:

001:1:0000      Song Track Name=Acoustic8BtBld.T160.prs


Michael P. Bedesem
Tyros 5


hello Dave,
Inside every style file, there's "internal" style name. That's the name that was used when style was created/saved.
To see that info (among others), you can use M.Bedesem's StyleDump tool:
Open style with StyleDump and at the beginning there will be StyleName shown. Unless someone intentionally modified that info, that will be "original" style name.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube



Are you referring to
1) the style file name as listed in Windows Explorer
2) the internal Yamaha style name?

The following is if 1)

Not exactly what you are asking for
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This software has several search algorithms - read the Help file - and will list file duplicates!

There is no information in a style file about the current file name or previous file names.

The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999

Dave Nuttall

Quote from: MBedesem on Mar 19, 2020, 07:05 AM

If it is a factory style and all the user has done is rename it's filename, then it can be displayed in MixMaster(open syyle (drag file to the on screen icon), then depress List View. An event like this should be close to the top of the listing:

001:1:0000      Song Track Name=Acoustic8BtBld.T160.prs



Thanks, Michael.
I know that in addition to the Song Track Name event, when you record a song with a factory style, there is OFTEN at least one SYSEX event with a long hex and ASCII text description.
In many/most of the styles distributed as "gig disks", the Song Track Name "event" has been altered to correspond with what shows up in the Windows File Explorer view.   
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.

Dave Nuttall

Quote from: BogdanH on Mar 19, 2020, 07:06 AM
hello Dave,
Inside every style file, there's "internal" style name. That's the name that was used when style was created/saved.
To see that info (among others), you can use M.Bedesem's StyleDump tool:
Open style with StyleDump and at the beginning there will be StyleName shown. Unless someone intentionally modified that info, that will be "original" style name.


Thanks, Bogdan.
Michael's MixMaster also shows the StyleName.  Unfortunately, the good folks who have assembled their gig disks didn't see fit to leave the original style name untouched which is the reason for my question.
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.

Dave Nuttall

Quote from: Jørgen on Mar 19, 2020, 07:17 AM

Are you referring to
1) the style file name as listed in Windows Explorer
2) the internal Yamaha style name?

The following is if 1)

Not exactly what you are asking for
Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

This software has several search algorithms - read the Help file - and will list file duplicates!

There is no information in a style file about the current file name or previous file names.

Thanks,  Jørgen.
My question is about the internal style name and the pointer to your dupes program prompted me to try Peter's PSR Style Database which DOES show the internal style name.   There may be more cases where no change has been made to the internal style name and that is plainly seen with "PSR-SDB"!

SO...this ANSWERS my question!

Thanks to all three of you (Michael, Bogdan and of course, you Jørgen)
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


Quote from: Dave Nuttall on Mar 19, 2020, 05:53 AM
Over time there have been "thousands" of styles posted here on PSR-Tutorial which have been renamed for a particular song.  (See the GIG Lists, for example).

Does anyone know HOW to determine what the original style name was?

I've been wondering about this "for years"! 

I use a prg. to do the job
Midi-style-rename You can find it on the internet
All  styles and midi-files in a dir are changed to the orig intern style or midi-file name
It makes copy's so you keep the old styles
