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Pitch value

Started by Keyboarder, Mar 18, 2020, 05:22 AM

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Hal lo All, I try a PSR S970 and everthing I wish to do is possible to realize. Only by use of the Pitch wheel or Footpedal I see no way to store the setting for the voice. I can setup it is fine but by return I have again 2 steps.
If somebode has experience , please let it me know.



Are you wanting to set it up so it keeps its new value even after you turn the keyboard off and then on again later? If so, I don't think you can do that. But you should be able to set it and save it in a Registration, along with any other settings that you want to be restored on startup, and then recall the Registration after you power up your keyboard.


Thanks for your response. I find it out what I have to do to get setup for pitch by selected Style / voice.
The style must be saved to user or usb and now the settings for voice can be changed and saved to voice and the style must be also saved. And now I can select the style+voice and wheel or pedal give the set response / pitch,glide etc.
May be anyone had the same problem. Only one way try.


Hi ketboarder,
if you mean about the +2 value of the pitch bend wheel that is applied to the right and left hand voices on the preset OTS voices.
then you have to press e.g. OTS 1,
then you have to call the Mixing Console,
navigate to the tab named "tune" and make the change the value of the pitch bend range to +1 for the 3 voices (right 1,right 2,left).
Finally save the new OTS 1(Memory+OTS 1) by saving also the preset style to the user or usb area.
(The OTS is part of the style,so you must save it as a new style)

Another way as Michael said, is to save the OTS 1 to the registration 1.
In that case you don't have to save the preset style to the usb or user area.
But you have to change the voices using the registration buttons and not the OTS buttons.

The value of the pitch bend(+2) is part of each single voice.

I am trying to practice more to see how to use properly the pitch bend wheel (e.g. with electric guitars) but why are the preset values +2 instead of +1?
Two semitones to change the pitch of a note sound really too much to me.
If you want to move to another note just press the next note.I don't know.....
In which occasions the +2 value works well in music?
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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The +/- 2  allows the pitch to be changed a sufficient amount without moving the wheel much, which is usually what you want to bend a note. If you reduce the span, then it takes much more wheel movement to bend a note. Not a great idea.